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A Specific High

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Koushou, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Hey, what's up everyone? Hope you fuckers are having fun tokin'.

    In my year long smoking career I've not yet had the luxury of sampling all that many dank strains so I'm looking for a little help from the worldly blades...

    Is there any specific strains that you know of that doesn't have a sleepy high but still gets you ripped?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Any sativa? And what are some of the best? And some that I might actually be able to get hold of?
  3. try investing in some sativa and a cheap vaporizer. it should do well for the effect you're looking for
  4. a good strain is white widow, most of the time it's a sativa over indica hybrid but sativas seem to be quite hard to get your hands on because they grow alot bigger then indica's and it's alot harder to do a stealth grow with them. But watch out if you ask for a specific strain with some dealers they'll hand you alright bud and say it's what you're looking for just for more sell value.
  5. well sativa's, and maui wowi, and hollands hope, super silver haze, those weeds actually made me less tired

  6. That's what I'm after. I don't sleep too good so normally when I smoke I fall asleep real quick. The sleep I get is awesome but I'd like to enjoy the high a bit more rather than eating everything then passing the fuck out.
  7. some people dont have a lot of knowledge on weed (outside of grasscity) and they dont know what a sativa or indica is, but i noticed a lot of people specify them as mind high and body high, what your after is a "mind high" good luck man!!
  8. Sativa fo sho. One question though. Do you have a med card or something? Cause in all my life Ive never really had a choice in bud, ya know what Im saying? Dealers are always getting dif. stuff and they usually just call it dank.

  9. I don't but I'm tight with my dealer and he's actually a good dude. He always bring at the very least 6 jars to pick from, let's us smell, touch, them all and shit and generally smokes a bowl with us. We always pay for an 1/8th and get anywhere between 3.6g and 4.4g. Have never had less than 3.6g, and the night we did get that he smoked us out with his bong.

    So, I have more choice then most but obviously it still depends on what he gets.

    I'm asking on here first because sometimes he's real busy and I don't wanna be bombarding him with questions during a pick up ya know?

    Thanks to everyone for the help!
  10. Ohh shit thats awesome. Everyone I know just has one type lol. I got the dank dude. Mids dude. Dirt dude. Etc... lol
  11. Hahaha yeah we fucking lucked out with dude.

    He makes runs to our place most of the time too. Like a MJ delivery boy.

    Let me know of any other sativa names you know!
  12. ak-47 is typically sativa dominant, trainwreck, most of anything that has "haze" in the name, sour D,

  13. I didn't even know Sour Diesel and Trainwreck were sativa but it's probably why they're my favorite pick ups I ever had so far!
  14. Yeah bro I hope you find what your searching for ;)
  15. I wish i knew your dealer... ever since i moved to AZ all i can find is a one strain mids that produce sleepy ass highs :rolleyes:

  16. HAHAHA thats totally what im doing! im baaaked

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