a situation i got myself into

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by rage6945, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. yesterday i was chillin with a bunch of friends, ripping some bong, having a good time. now there are like.... 6 or 7 people, so the bud was going fast. so this girl packs a bowl of some really dank stuff. my friend, who was at the end of the rotation, was saying before that he really wanted to try some of it. so i look at this bowl, and its like nothing. like this will be done in three hits. so thinking of my friend and the other people who are clearly going to miss out on this bowl, i said "hey, we should probably pack a little more." before anyone could see my reasoning and good intentions behind this, i was being yelled at for what i said. "hey man you didnt pay for it, its really expensive dont be a douche"
    so the rotation got switched, i ended up not getting a hit, but my friend did, so i guess it worked out.

    i dont know if i'm seeing this out of proportion or something, maybe sometimes you gotta make yourself look like a douche to help out others, i dont know where i'm going with any of this
  2. Next time simply put your reasoning out there first since you saying "put some more in there" will make you sound like an asshole if people don't know what you mean.
  3. Sounds like they are shitheads if they packed a bowl without enough for everyone, and then lost it when you even started to say anything..... Find new friends?
  4. your clearly not a douche man. thats basically why I dont like smokin in circles with people.

    the bud is never the same quality and people expect you to match bowl for bowl.

    Id rather be a snob and just stay out of the circle and not hit what ever is being passed because im usually always straight having my own to smoke, and i dont like people expecting me to throw down for whatever my reason my be.

    I mean, if you packed a fat bowl, and someone else packed half, id simply ask them to pack the other half and if they dont then i wouldnt be packin anymore out of my personal.

    pot does cost $$ tho, no argueing there, but the fact that they packed a half bowl after everyones been packing full ones grinds my gears straight up.

    I mean...the circle isnt about who spent the most $$$ its the socializing, doesnt sound like a very social circle to me..

    regardless...Id say their douches for bein so shady...id stay out of that circle next time, even if they give you shit for not passing what your smoking.
  5. Not gonna lie they sound like dicks. BTW where in Jersey ya stationed.
  6. thats probably a good idea, i mean everyones high, i should probably have been more clear with my choice of words

    bergen county
  7. you werent being a douche

    you just should have explained yourself a bit better

    you shouldve have said something like " i dont think thats enough for the full circle "
  8. That's a big circle.
  9. dude i chill in bergen county all the time. I live in elmwood park :wave:
  10. 3-4 people is my circle smoking limit.
    After that I get pissed off and a lot less high.

  11. my thoughts exactly, was a thread like a week ago where i tried explaining that. think i came off as just ranting though.

    like above said "that's a big circle", i say 3-5 tops. anything more and i'd probly have everyone throw in like half of a big bowl. with that many people i can see a lot of moochers getting in on it.
  12. Thats why bud is best smoked in a group of 2 or 3.

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