Outdoor grow. In the past week it has downpoured, and turned my root system into mud. It dried out. Now it has rained again for two days. I can't move the plants, but I don't know what to do now.... Any advice?
Yes. Too much watering. A plant that has too little water, the leaves and the stems connected to the leaves will droop Your plants, and other over-watered plants, will have the stems start out up, but then droop with the leaves. Not sure that makes sense, but easy for me to tell. The second picture, upper right, those leaves are classic over watering. The yellowing is also a sign of dampening off the roots. Let those girls dry out. Good luck.
I have no way to let them dry out. And we are about to get hammered with this hurricane Irma. Looks as if I am gonna lose my harvest this year.
Only thing I can think is dig channels around them, divert the water. However I am from Cali, and a bad rain storm produces puddles, lol.
Inhale gotten about 6 inches of rain in the last week. And it's about to hammer us again. Could i dig them up and put them in buckets? If I accidentally cut the root system though wouldn't it hurt them?? I hate to lose my crop this close.
That could cause the crop to get stunted or hermi. I wouldn't unless you know the rains are going to kill them. I have transplanted bigger plants in veg, and trimmed back a good third of the roots with zero problems. However in flower, like I said, a stunt or hermi could be devastating. Your call depending on the weather.
Fuck. Lol. I know it's gonna pour and drown them. But I also hate to ruin them by trying to move them. I'm screwed.