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A Serious Question...2

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Metalace, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. Yes I gotta Remake the whole thread again cause a Admin didnt like the fact. i put Beat someones ass and take there plants. Cause there were growning it in my backyard. I wouldnt have thought that would be so bad. But they deleted it. Had a butch of good answers and was thinking about what to do. But i quess some pplz would rather, I go to jail then rip someones plants. Ok here goes. I was walking thorugh the woods that i own. I noticed some MJ very mantained growning. I was wondering what i should do. Since its on my property.
  2. Just take the plants, no violence. You don't know who the person is, and they might have some gang connections or something.
  3. i said somethin like, avoid the area, but monitor it, than confront the guy, but not near the plants, do it calmly, and work out some sort of agreement, its up to you, you can either try and get a ercentage of the harvest or you can tell him to take that shit out of your property ASAP. He has no choice but to obey what you have to say.
  4. How many plants? If there are a few, you could take one or two, or whatever you want really cause they are on your property. See if you can get a decent pull from them, and leave some for the person who's doing all the hard work. Or you could rip them all, or none at all. Might be pretty hard to get in contact with the grower or maybe you've seen someone around the area? Do what you want, it's your property
  5. wait till it flowers take the bud leave it there 'cos then you cant get on the wrong side of anybody.
  6. ^Ash dude you signed up!
  7. You know the guy? Steal his wifes panties and put them on the plant for the next time he comes to tend to it. That wuld be a ho0t
  8. Or just put any general dirty underwear all over it :D
  9. I like your thinking....:D

    And I think I just figured out where I've seen your avatar before. Brett Easton Ellis, non?
  10. I'd definitely take it. Smoke a blunt, dress all in black and go nab the goods, ninja style. It's your property, they're your plants. You just have someone who likes to garden them for you, free!
  11. Take some, don't do it alone. If the grower does his shit at night all he'll see is someone stealing his grow. Be safe, but take some. No more than half. Leave a note with the other half saying not to grow on your property anymore (unless you're cool with it, then name your terms)

    Although, if it's easy enough to figure out who owns it, that could be dangerous.
    Maybe just take it, if it all disappears it'll discourage further growing. Then check your woods once in awhile. Prezzies!
  12. It really depends on how likely he knew it was someone's land or you could be caught. If the likelyhood is high in either area- you have full right to take the plants and not think twice.

    However if it's someone who thinks they are not on public property or putting anybody at risk (and this means it's highly unlikely you could be accused of growing the plants or they could be found in the first place) you need to be at least understanding that he's not trying to use you or risk you getting in trouble. This means it would be polite to confront him about it without hostility.

    If this is obviously your land, and there are signs around that prove it take the plants and don't look back. If it's really risky to your family take the plants.

    But if he doesn't think he's bothering anybody I think it would be nice (if I were the guy) if someone at least let me know I was tresspassing especially if I didn't think I was. I mean it's a pothead like you, don't you think he might not realize he's tresspassing, and for good reason?

    You never really let me know how obvious it was someone's land or if the chances were high you could be caught and accused of growing them though-

    Much better start to the thread, usually people don't come back with the thread not a total copy of the original. +rep
  13. find out who it was... but dont forget to pull a few before anything
  14. honestly id wait until close to harvest time and take all of the plants
  15. How is the soil in your woods?

    Actually a better question would be, how well is this plant tended?

    Also, once harvest time rolls around, take a little and smoke it. If it's dank, take it all and have a good time. If it sucks, get rid of it. Or sell it to someone who tends to smoke anything below-dank.

  16. Yea, American Psycho
  17. whatever you do get some of that pot for yourself!!!!!!!!
  18. set up bear traps and spike pits around the plants

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