This is what I originally sent Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 2:33 PM To: District81 Subject: Please Legalize Marijuana Rep. Jeff Wagner OH Dear Representative,, It is understood that while marijuana has been essentially illegal since 1937, the prohibition of this plant has not worked. There have been studies done that prove it has medical uses, if it didn't then the synthetic drug Marinol would not exist. It has also been proven that in recreational use it does less harm than alcohol. Please look at how much our government spends on trying to fight something that is of no threat to our society. Realize how many other ways that money could be spent to make this a stronger country. Also, look into how much more money the country would make through taxation, as it does with alcohol and tobacco. Don't be afraid to stand up and say this to your fellow politicians. We, your constituents, are asking you to do this for us and for our country. Sincerely, .......... this response ha Thank you for your e mail about the legalization of marijuana. You make some good points in your e mail and there is a case to be made for some legalization, however there are also reasons for not legalizing its use. These include the impairment of a person's judgment and reflexes and the existence of less controversial drugs to deal with health issues. For many individuals, marijuana use is a step to dependency on harsher drugs and partial legalization for medical use would complicate drug enforcement against those who use it illegally. In years past I was involved with a ministry at my local jail in Seneca County. Many of the prisoners I spoke with indicated to me that their crime was often a direct result of their drug use. In short, I believe legalization of marijuana is not the great cure all that the advocates would have us believe. Thank you again for your e mail. Jeff Wagner and this is what i replied with thank your for your time Mr. Wagner, although most of your points are old beliefs and recent studies prove otherwise I understand the hold that the current system keeps you under. Actually legalizing cannabis will prevent many youths and other troubled people from partaking in other activities such as alcohol, tobacco and other "legal" but dangerous drugs. I dont understand how the people of Ohio and of the United States would want to have our tax dollars waisted on enforcement of something harmless. Not one person has died as a direct result of cannabis. Judgment is not per-say clouded but opened. The main reason most teens may move on to more harmful drugs is in fact because of the lack of regulation. Here is a little example if the government states Cannabis and Coke or Heroin are in the same boat, once one realizes cannabis is not deadly if your actually a responsible adult they will start to think that everything is equal and we all know there is a big differential between a natural medicine and a crime driven poison. If john doe has to go to a underground dealer to get his medicine or therapeutic herb he will have the choice due to no regulation to purchase other actually harmful drugs that may not seem as bad as they have been told which will lead to addiction and so fourth. Thank you for being a respected representative and hope that one day you will think outside the box and for your constituents.
You responded with a wall of text with 6th grade grammar? Man... Even if its great info that's the first thing they notice.
by first reading his original letter to his congressmen you can see that his response was probably what he typed before correcting it and making sure its ready to be sent, i believe it's called revisions.. and don't knock me mr. grammar czar(if i have grammatical errors), im on the internet didn't know i would have to type like an english professor to get a point across
I hope so. I'm not a stickler for bad grammar on the internet and I'm usually really guilty of serious errors because I just don't care. But a forum full of fellow stoners and a letter to a Representative with opposing views are two very different things.