A Reason for Everything?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by H2O420, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. The saying has been around for a time. So is it true?

    Looking at nature, the purpose of every living thing is consumption for reproduction, for continuation of the species. So basically the purpose of life is to live.

    Could it be said that everything that happens in the world, everything that happens in one's life, 'good' or 'bad', wars, deaths, breakups, suicides, car accidents, lottery winnings, marriages, divorces, broken bones, etc, happens for the better of the species, regardless of the individual?

    Does the universe recognize the human species as One when we do not?

    Or are we simply that rash that won't go away?
  2. I only believe that everything happens for a reason to the extent of determinism. How could everything possibly happen for the better of the species? Even for the better of the world?
  3. The reason is what you give it. You are the missing piece/peace. Try and test that, and you're going to be dead. Then what are you going to say?
  4. Purpose implies some evidence of a 'purpose', the only evidence can be subjective Self evidence
    Intent moulds our view of purpose
    Ones purpose may not be anothers, its Self evidential

    Yet i see no evidence of a Self...

  5. Evidence must imply some evidence of evidence by that logic, though, right?
  6. The problem is I have no intent, therefore my idea of intent reflects what is put before me.

    Well the way I look at it is, in order for anythng to be, it has to first be now.

    ex. "it gets worse before it gets better"

    So if living things live to live, that should seem to be the point in the underlying structure as well. It could go either way, but..could it really? Nature seems to want to survive. Shouldn't that go as deep as anything can go?

  7. Rather, everything has a cause and effect. Its yours to decide whether it's good or bad for you individualy in the long run.

    Personally, i think all experience should be embraced, whether good or bad. If i lose my legs today i'd be fucking pissed, but knowing that i cant change it, or could change it in future, and, realising that it is a result of cause and effect, a subject of nature, neither kind nor unkind, nor the result of a righteous retribution, divine judgement, or the likes of karma, I'd accept it, and move on with my life.

    Its much better to live that way than to have regrets over things which happened in the past
  8. Stupidity shellfish marzipan, does. Luggage?
  9. I simply think it is wise to not delve into such a subject of whether everything has a reason or not. If it does, why does it matter? How would that change things?

    I think we must be simplistic and believe only what we know is true. We have been granted a life. We must take advantage of that and live a good life. We can't try to make sense of certain happenings. We just know they happen.

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