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A quick thought on joints

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The cheaT, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I don't have much time so i'll just cut to the chase on an idea that came to me a while ago...

    People always claim that smoking joints is so wastefull because they're always burning. But I thought to myself, wouldn't the hot smoke flowing through a tube or weed vaporize some of the herb?

    Maybe this could (probobly not) regain, say, a comprarable amount of THC lost from direct BIC flame ona bowl?

    Just wondering your thoughts...
  2. That's why whenever I smoke bowls, I edge the BIC lighter towards the bowl until the weed starts to move and just barely start to burn.

    Makes your weed last longer and doesn't waste THC.
  3. I prefer and get more out of joints. Plus at the end, you got all your roaches to smoke!
  4. Yeah, you can definitley take steps to cut down on the amount of THC lost anyway you smoke, but sucking a flame into your ganja is gonna do something.

    And I agree, I get more from joints to usually, and oh how I do love roaches

    but anyone think the hot smoke partially vaporizing the weed in the joint is even remoteley realistic?

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