a quick question for people on prozac

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by toke_tons, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. Is it safe to drink while on prozac? I got picked up by the pigs and I am going to be on probation so i quit smoking. Since then i have been drinking a good amount (takes me about 7-10 shots of whiskey to get a little drunk) and now my parents talked to a psych and got me put on prozac. I am hearing mixed reports that you get wrecked off 1 shot or that drinking anything will kill you etc.

    I just wanna hear from someone who has done this before not some psychiatrist that is just going to tell you to avoid everything.
  2. Don't take the SSRI (Prozac).
  3. You can still drink. I used to be on a ssri but I quit that shit.
  4. You can drink, but Prozac can intensify the effects of the alcohol.
    I'm on Zoloft (sertraline), and I like it so much more than Prozac (fluoxetine).
    I was a zombie on Prozac.
    I am a normal (slightly manic) person on Zoloft.
  5. ^very true i used to take sertraline and i could get shitfaced off 4-5 beers but i think it makes you puke alot easier
  6. take it much slower the first few times to find out how it effects you.
  7. thanks guys basically i researched it alot and apparently it takes so long for your liver to take care of the fluoxetine that the alcohol just stays in your blood and when it does reach the liver it hits you all at once.

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