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A quick question about selling ettiquette

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cataclismic, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. So I have a hookup now and one of my friends is hinting that she needs to find some. What do I do about getting it for her. Does the girl give me the money and i pass it to the dealer? Do I say "it's 45 for a quarter" when it's 35 from the deal?
  2. it really depends on you, you should only charge upfront if you think they will change their mind like its their first time and they aren't really sure but if they toke all the time and aren't likely to change their mind then its more polite to not ask for it upfront unless you don't have the cash yourself. charging more is again up to you if you want to make 10 bucks off her go ahead.
  3. #3 Brasou, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    it depends on how much you want out of the deal, but yeah. Either, take maybe 1g or .5g out of the bag for yourself, or jack up the price. This is more or less expected from a middle man(in my experance anyway) but if she was my freind I would prob do it for free. Getting weed when you dont have a dealer sucks

    Edit: just Fyi also, I don't take from peoples bags.Iv never bought for another person yet . But it seems whenever I get someone else to pick me up weed, even someone I trust, the bag is ALWAYS short.
  4. id just give her the dealers number.

  5. Don't do that without asking the dealer first unless you don't want to have that dealer anymore.
  6. Dont take money from your friends. If its $35 a quarter. YOU tell her $35 a quarter. Why would you take money from your friends.

    All you do is ask your dealer if you can pick up a quarter.
    You Bring the girl with you. and you introduce her to the dealer.

    Thats simple

    Dont be a hussler middle man.
  7. #7 clubshit, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    chances are, if its 45 a quarters it's SHIT so save your time because someone else will find someone better who grow CLUBSHIT. middle man really don't make money. just buy from your hook and start selling.

    like buy a quarter lb and sell it in eights.

  8. You cant talk about selling like that... As a heads up you might get in trouble.
  9. #9 Jton, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    I DO NOT sell to friends, and I always take .0-.5g out of the bag, and also charge up the price a little. They however know that I am doing this and are okay with it (at least the price part.)

    So, it's basically up to you?
  10. Chances are if it's 45 a quarter it's SHIT so save your time because they'll buy from someone who grow clubshit. but really, middlemen don't make any money. just buy a quarter pound and break it down for yourself.

    Attached Files:

  11. Well I asked the girl if she'd be fine if I charged an extra ten since I'm negoitating the deals and probably picking them up and she said she doesn't mind throwing in an extra ten

  12. Honesty is the way to go.
  13. I would either do what Ducky said(take her along for the pick up) or just get the money from her then buy it, then give it to her, and maybe see if she will smoke you up with a bowl or something for your service. Dont charge extra or pinch the bag[without her knowing and obliging], thats wrong.
  14. Choices based on the friendship you have with her

    1.You are good friends who hang out a lot.
    Bring her with you and introduce her to the dealer. You do all the dealing you just introduce her and she should ask if she can have his number.

    2.A person you see around and is a friend but not close.
    You pay for the whole quarter with your $35 then later sell it to her for more or the same amount.

    3.You hate her and you want her to stop bugging you about buying weed.
    You ask for her money $35 then go to buy the quarter and say that price went up to $35 an eighth and keep an eighth for your self.

    4.Hate want to kill.
    Just take the money

    5.Want this girl to like you more
    Offer to pay for it and if she says no then accept the no if she says yes accept the yes NO GAMES!!! Most likely she will say no. If that is the case do 1.
  15. Can someone tell this guy he is selling shit... Growing is way to make real money.
  16. :confused_2:

  17. My friends know that this happens, and are fine with it. If the bag is small enough, I don't take any out.
  18. You Just dont
    - take weed from a friends bag.
    - you dont charge them more

    --------------- Really Do you guys like it when you get ripped off. Do you like being charged Extra
    really you guys are horrible friends.

    Friends dont Steal from friends.

  19. It's business bud. Weed is expensive, I have to be able to pay for it too. I'm doing them a favor, they understand this, they are fine with it. If I'm lighting up a bowl, I'll let them take a few hits too. Give and receive. But mainly, I can't afford to be buying my own weed, I have to be able to buy it from money I make.
  20. Well this is what you do.

    1. Buy how much she wants
    2. Contact her
    3. Sell her the amount she wanted for the amount you got it.

    ^^^ I say that because you're friends and friends don't do bad to other friends just sayin >_>

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