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A Question About Laced Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DorkyMcLame, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Is it okay to smoke the resin of weed that's been laced?

    I suspect the stuff I've had for the last week has something else in it, so I'm not going to finish off what I have left...But I want to get high and it's 1am (too late to buy any). Will the resin also be laced?
  2. Well... probably not? As the stuff it was laced with would burn off when you smoked it before
  3. Would you smoke the resin in a crack pipe?
  4. That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I hope you're right.
  5. No, but that's a completely different thing. Crack resin is crack resin, laced pot resin is pot resin with only a hint of something else (unless that "something else" burned off during the smoking process)
  6. I don't see the logic in this. If you burn pot and it leaves enough resin to get high from, why do you think whatever was on the pot would burn off 100%? You'll be smoking the resin from both, if the pot really was laced.

    Although, if it didn't hurt you already to smoke the laced weed, I don't think smoking the resin will hurt you. My only point is you can't expect laced weed to produce clean resin.
  7. Let us know how it goes broseph

  8. Well I figure that not everything gives off resin when burned.
  9. id be willing to bet your shit isnt laced, and that you should load a bowl.
  10. what indicates your bud has been laced? you've been told that by your dealer?
  11. Your buds not laced unless you asked your dealer to, since its going to cost him more money in the long run. And the resin would probably be good to smoke if you smoked the weed and nothing happened.

    Why do you think its laced?
  12. Your buds not laced unless you asked your dealer to, since its going to cost him more money in the long run. And the resin would probably be good to smoke if you smoked the weed and nothing happened.

    Why do you think its laced?
  13. You're bud is not laced. Nobody in their right mind would lace bud. To lace bud, a dealer would be giving away free drugs. Hell I'de be happy as a clam if I got laced bud.

    No, you're bud is not laced, nor will it ever be laced, well unless of course you're dealer has no common sense.
  14. It wasn't laced..,
  15. Don't throw it away, just fucking smoke it. You'll be amazed and mystified when you survive the ordeal.

    Even if there is something in it, man, it's not going to kill you.

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