A question about God/Jesus

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by smokeypokey123, May 9, 2009.

  1. Okay, well I'm still in high school and unfortunately I go to a catholic school. (I'm half jewish and not religous at all) So we were talking about how God sacraficed his only son (jesus :p) for our sins. So my teacher keeps saying all this BS on how he sacraficed his only son. All of a sudden I realize a HUGE flaw and the Catholic religion;

    God is omnipitent(All powerful, unlimited to everything) He is not limited to ONE son I mean this just seems so stupid he can have 1824767813463297462937462961247619287 sons if he really wanted to why limit himself to one?

    I'm baked and just ranting a lil bit
  2. Maybe he only had one son in order to make the sacrifice actually mean something? I don't know, I'm not a Christian, just throwing out an idea.
  3. \I don't think he is limited to one son.
    Why have many sons if you only needed one to free man from the old ways of sacrificing birds for having your period and shit?
  4. You must not confuse what God said with what your teacher said.

    God has many sons. Jesus was one of them. You are one of them too.

    But your teacher will say Jesus was God's ONLY son. To market Christianity of course...
  5. #5 sikander, May 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2009
    A better question to ask your teacher:

    If God is omnipotent, why did he need to sacrifice Himself on the Cross (remember, according to Catholicism, Jesus is an aspect of God in the Trinity) in order to secure forgiveness for the original sin? Couldn't he have just said "Hey, it's all good!"

    For that matter, ask him if you should interpret Genesis literally. Remember, we have original sin in the first place because Eve supposedly took the culinary advice of a magical talking snake in Eden. If that didn't happen, then no original sin ever took place and the whole Jesus thing was entirely superfluous.
  6. God does not have any children
  7. According to the Catholic religion, we are all children of God. In Genesis, "The Word was with God" is believed to be Jesus being with God from the start. So when God sent Jesus to Earth, Jesus was basically God manifested in a human body with some human limitations. It gets confusing as hell and to tell you the truth, it's all one big giant metaphor for how ancient humans thought the world was formed and how a society was formed. Then once you accept that, religion seems kind of invalid.

    Yeah. I went to a Catholic HS too.
  8. #8 Ringo11, May 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2009
    Exposing Christianity

    It doesnt make sense, because its all peiced together from other ancient pagan stories with people and places changed, along with other shit. Jesus never existed.
  9. Immaculate conception does not make one a God. Jesus was born this way, and some people ignorantly call him God because of this. Meanwhile it was God who created him. But anyway, this does not make Jesus a God because Adam was also born this way. The only difference is Jesus had a mother, where as God created Adam from dust and blew life into him.

    Jesus is a prophet of God, a messenger, and The Messiah who is to come in the future and slay the Djaal .
  10. Have you seen the south park episode that spoofs Jesus's life/the current economic recession?

    "Maybe this jew is the Economy's only son?"

    "That's retarded. The Economy is omnipotent, meaning it can have as many children as it wants. So saying it is limited to one is fucking stupid!"
  11. Read the Urantia Book; it answered my questions. God didn't sacrifice Jesus; that was the doing of man. God doesn't need a ransom.
  12. #12 fighthepower, May 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2009
    You have to remember that history is written by people. God him/ herself did not come down and write the bible (if you believe in "god").

    What was written and what you learn was made for a purpose.

    To avoid elementary and ultimetly pointless discussions it is best to not dive too deep into this one.

    EDIT: In my opinion.
  13. I would love to go to catholic school and fuck with the 'teachers'. I'd probably get kicked out tho. :[

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