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A question about Balloons

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mr. Jesus, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 Mr. Jesus, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    I just read a post here on GC about blowing smoke into a balloon to get the most out of the weed and that got me thinking. Could you inhale the smoke after a hit then breathe it into a balloon and tie that sucker up and save it for whenever you want it? Like say you go out to do your normal smoking session and then when you are done with that you load up another bowl or two and breathe those hits into a balloon so later that day you would like "Doy! Mah balloon has smokey in it!" and just go for one of your balloons instead of going to toke again. Actually could be like a garbage bag or something but balloons are more hardcore
  2. Why didn't I think of that? I guess u could. Only way to know is try it for yourself.
  3. it might work like after 5 minutes of breathing into the baloon. the thc is held in the smoke particles and they will eventualy settle. probably your best bet would be to break the baloon open and lick the inside :D
  4. no you could not. And why didn't you just ask this in the other thread?
  5. well i once heard that thc is a really sticky chemical so im thinking if you try to blow it into the baloon itl get u high for a while but after some time has passed id imagine all of the thc/ smoke particles would stick to the side of the baloon so when you breathe in from the baloon all ud get would be cleenish air

    i had a similar idea to that, like if they made weed legal i would invent canned thc you could just inhale like sum coolwhip gas or sumthing

  6. What if I shake it up a bit before I put it to use?

  7. Wasn't completely relevant to the other thread and I didn't want hijack it my friend
  8. almost all of the thc is absorbed into your lungs with in 3 seconds. So just because you blow smoke out doesnt mean theres much thc in it. THere might be some, but dont expect to be getting high off of already used and then stored smoke. anyways why would you want to smoke stale smoke, thats just gross. ever waited a while before clearing a bong? it doesnt taste too great

  9. I'm talking about like if I only inhale to my mouth, like as if I were doing smoke tricks
  10. i just dont see why youd want to do this. if you really want something that you can save for later, just make some firecrackers

  11. It would be faster and I would already be smoking so 2 birds one stone

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