A pessimist point of view

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by BushBurner, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. There's no such thing as a good person. When people do good, they expect the same thing in return from others. For example, when someone sees a homeless man and buys him dinner, ninety percent of the time, they only want to be seen doing an act of kindness so others will think of them as good people and do random acts of kindness to them. The other ten percent of people genuinely feel bad for the man and would do the same thing if no one was around. That's because they feel pity, right? Well the only reason humans feel pity is because we are social creatures who need others around us, this dates back to the beginning of time, when the most social people survived because of strength in numbers. The social gene must've been amplified over the years of breeding. So when you see that homeless man, you feel an urge to help the man to survive, when you're really looking out for your own survival. Every small gesture of kindness is connected. For example, imagine someone that's wronged you before and drags you down as a person, now they are the homeless man. Would you still buy him dinner? No. You subconsciously know that helping him will not benefit you in any way. Then you can imagine the person you want to marry there, as the homeless man. You feel a strong urge to protect that person, because you want to procreate with that person. Bringing me to sex. For the male of ANY species, sex is the most important thing there is. The urge to pass on genes can overcome hunger, thirst or fatigue. If you've ever seen what happens when you bring a female dog In heat around a male, you'll understand. A nice, well tempered, highly trained guard dog will turn into an enraged, determined beast at the snap of a finger, they are ready to kill or be killed just to pass on genes. Any and all acts of kindness can be back stepped to something that will benefit you in some way. That's why there's no such thing as "a good person"
  2. That's as far as I needed to read before feeling I had something to say.

    Can you see that this is just a belief that some fall into? Not everyone believes they must receive something for what they do. The concept of being unconditional exists and is understood and experienced by many, just not as many as expect something in return perhaps.

    Firstly, 93.45% of people who use statistics to make their point don't know what they're talking about. ;)

    They might feel pity, but they might also feel compassion. They might empathise not sympathise, and recognise that their life isn't easy. It might also be exactly what the homeless man is choosing to experience.

    Nope. That's just a belief. There are many spiritual practitioners who have transcended the whole notion of sex, although some only appear to have (catholic church anyone?). It is a fundamental urge, yes, but we do not have to act on it as an animal does

    OK. And how does having that belief serve you? Does arguing for something like this help you? You called this thread a pessimist view. If you know it to be pessimistic, does it make you feel good believing it to be true? Do you accept that there are other ways to see the world that aren't pessimistic, and that these are just as valid?
  3. Just something I was thinking about the other night And typed out, and about the sex thing, the only reason I believe that we can control our sexual urges is because we develope a set of morals (not raping women everytime time were horny)
  4. I don't disagree.. However I do not think its necessarily 'pessimistic' to see it this way. You can see it like this without judgement. It just is.
  5. Uh, women in marriages over 10 years don't count there buddy.

    Stop padding your stats.;)
  6. Which from the way I read you.. It looks like you don't judge it.. I call that pure love.

  7. Are you saying that if we were given liberty to act without fear of being punished we would instinctively rape any woman we fancied?
  8. Well, sure.

    (loincloth and club are optional, but highly recommended in the low-brow community.)
  9. I mean values and morals. Not morals based on laws.
  10. Yet, we know that in the past, or sometimes even now, when a group conquer, or take over another people, many women get raped as part of the victory rewards. So in that sense, once the law has been let go of and anything goes, it is real easy to let go of one's own values and personal morals too.
  11. Yeah, as much as people don't like to admit it, a male human makes million of sperm daily that are meant to be used. Were animals too don't forget.
  12. True, but that's why they have a right hand though isn't it? ;)

    Are you saying that sex will always trump personal morals in all situations?
  13. Alot of animals- yes. Most humans- no. The difference between humans and dogs is that we can reason and make educated decisions

  14. You're saying the urge to do what a dog would do is still there in humans, just our reason stops us from acting on it?
  15. Exactly.
  16. #16 esseff, Mar 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2013
    So it doesn't matter who we are or how we've chosen to live our life, we're all just potential rapists, but stop ourselves from jumping on the nearest woman because we can reason that we shouldn't?

    If that's the case, then you're saying that as a human, we can never rise above the sexual urge? I disagree. In fact, I think we can go far above the sexual urge so that it loses all meaning for us.

    Simply identifying with the basic, animalistic part of ourselves, is what keeps someone thinking they are caught in it, plus society seems geared to constantly remind us of its presence. When in reality, the physical urge to procreate can often disappear completely once procreation has actually taken place.

    As one gets on in life, the idea of sex can disappear, and as I mentioned earlier, those who decide to take up a spiritual practice can let go of the desire for sex altogether.
  17. Valid point. Maybe I'm just a horn dog.
  18. Human's ability to 'reason' has created the concept 'rape'. In nature (animals) it doesn't exist. As in...animals do not analyze their actions moralistically.
  19. The more we moralize.. The more concepts we create.. The more we create 'bad and good' people.
  20. Which is written in our DNA.. More survival technique like the op said.

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