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A personal and dangerous story

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by 111Questions, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Hey everyone, I'm new here and what I'm about to tell you I haven't told anyone else yet, so here goes.

    It's been since April that I've smoked, but for about 8 months before that I smoked quite a bit.

    One night, I dropped my glass pipe. Being very stupid and desperate to get high, I decided I'd construct my own gravity bong.

    I cut a hole out of the bottom of a gallon gatorade jug, punched a hole in the plastic cap, filled the cooler with water.

    Now's where the potential danger comes in. Instead of making a bowl (because I'm an idiot, yes - I know), I got some tin foil and simply covered the cap with it entirely, and made a small hole in the foil on top of the hole in the plastic cap.

    I used that as my "bowl." I never lit the plastic directly, and because it was a gravity bong I didn't really light the weed all that long, maybe for 2-4 seconds. The flame never directly hit the plastic, it was always covered by the weed and the foil.

    I did this for about a month, maybe once every other day or so. I stopped when a friend of mine suggested putting a trumpet piece in the hole.

    I know, I was an idiot. But I'm wondering how much of an idiot? Am I at serious health risks because of this? Do you think I inhaled the plastic fumes?

    Since I did that, I actually found a lump on my testicle and a lump on my breast (which worries me because I'm a male), which have both been examined and nothing was seen/found. Also, I've been experiencing some weird head pains.

    I feel really fucking stupid - because I was. But right now I'm just worried about my health. I'm going to a doctor to get the lump on my breast biopsied.

    I'm not sure what I'm looking for here - maybe I'm just getting it off my chest.
  2. Its always a better idea to buy another real bong/pipe for a few bucks rather than risk your health.

    Good luck on the biopsy, hope it comes out clean.
  3. so wait, are you a boy or a girl?
  4. Since when do normal girls have testicles?
  5. AHAHAHHAHAAAAAA. :smoking:
  6. I've smoked gravity bongs before. Nothing happened to me. I'm sure everything will be cool.
  7. Right, but did you use a metal piece? I didn't, I just put the weed directly on top of the tin foil which was on top of the plastic cap.

    Thanks for the response btw.
  8. Smoking plastic is not good but I do not think it did anything to you.I am sure you had brain damage before you did this.
  9. Scientifically speaking, a normal Bic lighter won't emit a flame hot enough to vaporize aluminum, though when you do a gravity/waterfall bong with an aluminum bowl, the smoke still appears unnaturally yellow.

    So I don't know. It's pretty annoying how two hard pieces of evidence just conflict like that... I have no idea whether the aluminum pipe/bowl thing is good or bad or nuetral or what.
  10. Tin foil used repeatedly can release chemicals, but they are minimal.
  11. No, you didn't get plastic fumes. Two seconds of lighter to plastic contact doesn't even emit fumes. If you did a maximum of four second through the aluminum, I see no possible way for the plastic to melt. You should have looked at the cap without the aluminum foil to see if there are any scorch marks/warped areas.
  12. You should be fine, your probably just psyching yourself out. I made a bong, and my bowl is just a large socket coated in foil with a makeshift handle. Me and my friends have been hitting this up since mid june and we've been straight. So maybe if your still concerned you should make a makeshift bong, so that dangerous chemicals get caught in the water.
  13. WHAT!!?!?! water doesn't filter EVERYTHING out, whoever told you that needs to be drop kicked into acid.
  14. I didn't use any metal pieces. I just put the weed in the tin foil.
  15. Why would you dropkick someone in acid.
  16. literally.

    but seriously im sure you're fine
  17. Why would you drop kick someone on acid?
  18. haha... he said... drop kick someone into acid. NOT on acid. AKA someone said something stupid and should be slapped.


    tin foil is never a good thing but I don't think it is why you have lumps.

    good luck with the lumps though... thats pretty fucking scary.
  19. Thank god you clarified. I was reading these posts laughing my ass off.
  20. Damn that really does suck

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