A Perfect Circle

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by H2O420, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Dichotomy
    [Dichotomy, False-dichotomy]

    Get it?
  2. #2 SIRSOG, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2010
    did you just dichotomize the word dichotomy...i think you did

    I think its funny, when people jokingly say "imma cut you to pieces" i would always say well imma polychotomize you bitch
  3. Hm, perhaps more than that:

    For example take a dichotomy: good vs evil

    You can claim that (dichotomy) to be false as, objectively, both concepts are entirely subjective (similar to left vs right).

    Ex. Actions are either good or evil.
    I am either the observer or the observed.

    However when you claim this to be false and reference the concept of 'oness', or non-duality, you are creating a dichotomy between the original proposition of dichotomy and the claim of fallacious dichotomy itself, which in turn could either be true or fallacious, thus tunneling deeper and deeper into meaningless-ness.

    Though that in and of itself is of 'oness'.

    The dual nature of non-duality.

    It's infinite.

  4. Wow. Your nerdy joke is better than mine.



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