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a noob question, so i thought that i would post it here

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokesomebuddha, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. by no means am i an apprentice toker, but i feel like the noob level in the question is exeptional, so i will ask here.

    I haven't smoked in 3 weeks in an effort to get another job after i quit working at potbelly (TERRIBLE IDEA!!!!)

    i have been doing tons of other drugs like lots of acid and mushrooms during those three weeks, but haven't done shit other than smoke cigs and get drunk in the last week.

    NOW HERES THE QUESTION. i really really really want to get ripped tonight and im confident that all of the weed from 3 weeks ago is out of my system (im a skinny bastard) SO if i smoke weed tonight, will i be A-ok in a few days to resume my hunt for an occupation?

    damn, i really want to get high!
  2. #2 k_semler, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Considering you haven't smoked in so long, and you say you're skinny, it should be clear from your system in 5-8 days. Here's the standard chart:

    Usage at 1 time only \t 5-8 days
    Usage at 2-4 times per month \t 11-18 days
    Usage at 2-4 times week \t 23-35 days
    Usage at 5-6 times per week \t 33-48 days
    Daily Usage \t 49-63 days

    Source: Drug Detection Time - Drug Time Table



    However, it can be out of your system in less then 48hrs if you were an occasional smoker.

  3. so no you'd set yourself back, what jobs are you looking at?
  4. ^^ anything that will pay me. im in college, so all i need is spending money for weed, munchies, booze and acid. the parentals got everything else covered

    fuck it, ill smoke tonight. but then i gotta get a job next thurday for sure because my birthday is a week from today AHHHHHH gotta get ripped for sure

  5. :eek: You lucky bastard!

  6. they pay for rent, books, most of tuition and shit like that. i gotta buy food and all of that jazz, so im not THAT spoiled :eek:
  7. mother fucking taco bell man, no piss tests, everyones a pothead (so i exaggerate a bit), and you can practice your blunt/burrito rolling skills while getting paid
  8. im no expert, just an idea [so please dont flame me :eek:] before u toke up, piss in a bottle and save it just incase it is clean and u need it. my mind tells me it'll be no good after a couple of days, but just an idea. and plus, u can get a home DT and see if u were clean after the 3 weeks.

  9. this^

  10. this^
  11. Bro, have some self control and don't smoke. I'm on a 2 month break to get a job and to lower tolerance. I got a quarter of some nice ass shit waiting for me and yea it's a bitch not to smoke but you got to sometimes.

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