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A night with nothing to do and no ganja to smoke

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Alphå, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. Console me.:(
  2. *consoling* its gonna be ok..... read a book?
  3. I assume you have no money/contacts or you'd be picking up right?

    shit man I dunno read a book, go to bed, watch TV, do shit you do when your not stoned.....I guess.
  4. this is is one of theose nites when you wish you saved all your roaches/ resin
    im sorry.
  5. Why aientcha got herb?

    No money, Or no connects?

    If no connects, Go get some alcohol for the night. Get a buzz goign and go to sleep and hope to get greens the next day.

    Me personally i like gettin drunk.

    If ya broke, Get bottles, Mow lawns, Simple legal shit will get ya like $8 for a fith to get tore up.
  6. be creative my friend.
  7. You can always try a nice DXM trip if you feel like putting yourself IN for the night lol. 4th plateu is always a pleasant place to be.

  8. hellz yah go to the store and get some Tussin or Benadryl thats good 2
  9. skittles blow

    id rather be sober
  10. I feel you man.
    Go and scrape some kief from your old baggies - that should at least give you a little buzz. Then drink some alcohol and you'll be fine:smoking:
  11. Why is it everyones solution for no pot is to take OTHER drugs?
  12. some people have problems being sober. lol. deal with it. im sure uve been sober more than high. but im sure someone will be like no ive been smoking 24/7 since i was 10 or some bs
  13. I was wondering that myself lol.
  14. Because in this case its easier to get those other drugs than bud.
  15. my condolences...this is why i save a little leaf.i know its harsh and doesnt give you a soaring high,but it chashes away mr jones.
  16. be active and keep your mind busy thinking about non pot related stuff.
  17. dxm is hella lame... doesnt even make u feel good just weird and tired
    id say get some beer... or go hang out with a chick bro.. smoking pot is just 1 part of life theres a lot of other stuff to do
  18. dxm is hella lame... doesnt even make u feel good just weird and tired
    id say get some beer... or go hang out with a chick bro.. smoking pot is just 1 part of life theres a lot of other stuff to do
  19. dude, Just dont smoke. If ya dont got it find it, If ya cant find then dont do it. It wont kill ya to take a break man. If any thing you'll lower your tolerance. :)
  20. Man I know how it is. Hopefully tommorow I can pickup my pay and pay my pickup. You know things are bad when you're cleaning out every smoking device you have for the tiniest resin, and looking through yout stash draw for any shake that got loose. I got really excited when I found a peice of weed half the size of a tic-tac. Couldnt get enough so I took a triple dose of muscle relaxers.

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