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a nice BHO and brownie run, and some dank thrown in too

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ods, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. #1 ods, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    alright just any other thursday night ladies and gents. decided to pick up a 150 half of some beasters which were alright looking, smelling but i dunno something was just a bit weird about them. i don't like picking up from this guy for smoke, but for cooking and BHO, this is perfect weed. so we made some brownies and some oil.

    here's the buds. not bad looking seriously. the smell was alright, but something about them is off. whatevssss. :rolleyes:


    no pictures of the oil process unfortunately, but we put about 8 grams of shake and trimmings i'd been collecting off the trainwreck i have. and also like 3 or 4 grams of these beasters into some PVC pipes and went to town with 2 cans of vector.

    there's some of the oil once the butane had boiled off some.


    here's some high ass pictures of the oil. we got a pretty good amount, especially considering it came pretty much all from leaves off of really leafy bud. awesome way to make oil for people who don't want to buy extra bud to do it. just trim nugs haha.



    a hash oil cigarette. fucking delicious. fucked me up.


    and also! we made brownies with the rest of he beasters! :hello:

    this is where shit's getting really crazy. i'm brownieing my ass off. seriously. i had two and my head feels like 2 tons. i'm blowed. if you wanna see pictures of the whole process i have an awesome tutorial for a homemade recipe from my girlfriend, with new added pictures. anyway, here's brownies.


    hot out of the oven! :D so bomb. tasted a lot like weed haha. i should have let them cool more but whatever.

    and just a pic of the dank trainwreck i'm smoking on top of all of it.


    the ounce!!! :wave:


    anyway, enjoy city. i know i am on fucking cloud 9. :cool:

    P.S. everybody check the brownie recipe! in my sig. haha i worked hard and it's so good.
  2. enjoy i sure did....nice shit.
  3. #3 dustybottoms, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    What's the brownie recipe? I'm lookin for new ways of doing brownies.

    nvm found it thanks
  4. great recipe and nice pics rep'd
  5. thanks homies. brownieing so fucking hard! loving life. i dunno if i can pass out, i'm pretty fucked up.
  6. people say let brownies cool before you cut them, and i say FUCK THAT SHIT. nothin beats a brownie hot out da oven

    EDIT:especially if the brownies have weed in em
  7. ShaaaaBaammm!!!!!!!!!!! Nice stuff ODS. How did that oil come out?
  8. the oil was so so bomb. came out better than my first run. it takes really good too because i used a lot of dank trimming.

    and yeah i know what you mean abut hot brownies. eat em when their hot.
  9. bump bump.
  10. Oh damn I want one of those BHO cigarettes. Very very nice!
  11. thanks dude. they are so great haha.
  12. Thanks for the idea of the oily smoke:hello:.
  13. no problem dude!
  14. a kiefy hashoil covered blunt.


  15. If I'm using oil in a blunt I spread it on the inside of the wrap before I put in the herb.
  16. really enjoyed this post man, cloud 9 for me as well almost just thinkin of the high times you had. respect

  17. yeah i usually do that too but i rolled it and then remembered the BHO after :rolleyes: so i just painted some on the sides with a paper clip. and then rolled it in keif. :D

    thanks dude.
  18. Fuck yea GREAT post man! + rep!!

    Looking forward to more for sure! :smoking: Keep on toking man

  19. Haha hell yeah. Do you feel like some of the oil/kief burned early though and because of this just burned into the air?
  20. nah we just kept it in quick rotation. it was so good tasting though. oh my god. the BHO tastes delicious and same with the keif.

    thanks for the comments and rep!

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