A Message From The Future You

Discussion in 'General' started by rocko8, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. #1 rocko8, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    Don’t dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There’s some sense to this story, if you’ll just hear me out…

    Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something… it is. I’m from the future, actually. I know you probably don’t believe that, but seriously, I’m from the future. It’s a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold… stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.

    Behind all the fun, though, there’s a more serious aspect. We aren’t supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I’m breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you’re talking to yourself. Your future self. I’m going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I’m preventing something by talking to you that is WORSE than death. I can’t tell you outright what to do, because the filters would catch it. This is the closest I can get, trust me. I can, however, send a little message.

    You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.

    Now that's over, any questions you'd like to ask your future self?
  2. whats the weed like in the future
  3. Awesome enough to send you back in time
  4. Dont look behind you? My backs propped up against a wall so thats not physically possible.

  5. You can't outsmart your future self.
  6. Buy a vaporizer.
  7. You should look though, there might be this thing:

  8. funny i just watched hot tub time machine!
  9. lol i immediately looked behind me
  10. Did Mitt Romney get elected? If so, how badly did he fuck up our country?
  11. What was the winning lotto ticket number the other day?
  12. how's the wifey?
  13. are chicks still stuck up in the future?
  14. when and why did i (we?) move to Ireland? honestly im just happy to know that i will escape this country.
  15. am i going to get an answer to my question? dafuq?
  16. are there new hi-tech smoking utensils in the future?
  17. How many more roller coasters does Cedar Point have.
  18. Does snoop lion became snoop saber tooth tiger?
  19. Do you suck dicks!?

  20. Nope. They found OP and executed him for contacting the past.

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