A mature chat about The Satanic Bible.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ~RJ~, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. #1 ~RJ~, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2009
    *Please read what I have to say and if you feel like attacking me I suggest you get out of this thread.*

    I've been delving into this book written by Aton LaVey and just realized that if people actually investigated the things they talked about instead of talking out their asses they would see that there are little differences from Christianity and Satanism. Sure, when looked at they are two completely different religons but they are built upon pretty much the same concepts. While I haven't read much at all yet, the first couple pages that seem to outline the basics of Lavey's Satinism seem to be just like the 10 commandments. I actually could follow these ones though. =P

    I practice no religon and was simply curious about this book after a conversation I had. I have a .PDF version if anyone would like to take a look at it.

    Here is the .PDF of it.
  2. the ten commandments are stupid. wheres the laws about rape and child abuse and stuff like that? if u ask me, ALL religions are all cults. how about NO religion, now thats a world i could live in
  3. I totally agree. Religion was created to control the population and what use does that have now, in most modern day countries? None.
  4. phuck yeah for phish

    gimme the .pdf
  5. yep. surely we are all smart enough to know now that there is no almighty being who can see what everyone does and says and thinks at the same time while controlling the weather, everyones fates, answering prayers and telling the psychos to rape and kill people
  6. Exactly. If there was a god, then why would he care about us? He has lived for eons, so why shoud he get involved with humans whose entire history is nothing more then a fraction of a speck on his timeline?
  7. I try to talk to my mom about religion but the way she was brought it she just doesn't understand. I'll put a link to the PDF in the OP.
  8. Some people just resign themselves to theism because its an easy alternative to accepting the world as it is. Believing that there's a sublayer of existence that holds some force which always has your best interests at heart is an attractive proposition for allot of people.
  9. Keep in mind Satanism is NOT religion, it's a way of living.

    And yes, the first 10-20 pages is about the only section you need to read, the rest isn't that good.
  10. To me Satanism seems to be purely manufactured to appeal to people who are turned off by more prominent religions. While it lacks a firm acknowledgment of the supernatural it still is buried in the trappings of religion. Its like Satan was picked to be symbol of the belief system due to his reputation, thus making it edgy and mysterious.
  11. I think the world would be more bland without religion, not to say i like anything about it.
  12. #12 jcH09, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2009
    lol from what i've read, this satan bible is pretty amusing. it just basically tells u to do the opposite of everything the bible tells you to do except for harming other people. but yea, lots of religions are somewhat similar. Christianity, Judaism, Muslim and all sorts of other religions mention some kind of "great flood" years ago, but all with different stories. religion is just something people used to try to explain the universe and life

  13. He pretty much got it, although the satanic bible doesn't condone "turning the other cheek" it says to give a warning first, and smash their face second.

    Anton Lavey is a fucking joke. In the Satanic Bible he says that there is no gods or gods, and that satan is just an archetype, yet he writes another book called "The Satanic Rituals" where you call upon "the forces of darkness" and satan and the demons for love/lust, destruction, etc. If these beings don't exist, then wtf are you going to accomplish by calling upon them to achieve your deeds.

    Basically what Anton Lavey did is notice the hypocrisy that goes on with christians, they commit all these sins and then beg for forgiveness on sunday in church, but the next weekend there out chasing girls and getting drunk etc. Basically everyone in America is a satanist by the philosophy of it, which is basically do the fuck what you want as long as you aren't wronging anyone in the process.

    Anton Lavey just found a good way to make easy money off rebellious kids who want to be "evil". Basically every atheist is a satanist, it's only called satanism because it's the opposite of christianity, christ stands for the opposite of what satan does.

    The proper name of Lavey Satanism would be atheistic heidonism. Satanism is the worship of satan.

  14. wow, this book must be real good than. what a legit religion, only the first twenty pages are good. can anyone say Epic Fail?

    I think satanism is just a cry for attention, fucking pathetic if you ask me. and Religion altogether is complete bullshit, I believe in god and no one else. Not some dude in a suit rolling in a mercedes telling me what to do and not do

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