A Love Like Ours (A Poem)

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Big D Johnson, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. I wrote this poem after my girlfriend broke up with me. i gave it to her and she cried lol. tell me what you think.

    A Love Like Ours

    What would you call a love like ours
    Would you say its like a fairy tale
    A hundred pages of your compiled lies
    A book that's a hundred pages too long
    Where at the end our hero dies
    And there's a darkness but no dawn

    Or would you say its like a song
    Cause I know you love to sing
    About how you left me high and dry
    And brought that love of ours to a screeching halt
    Because I couldn't take one more lie
    And am I to believe its all my fault

    Well listen Hun, it just so turns out
    A love like ours isn't love at all
    It's a sugar coated tragedy.
    And while your notes said “always love”
    I guess I missed the fine print
    Because it wasn't ‘till our last goodbyes
    That I picked up on your hint
    A love like ours isn't real
  2. Wow. You got some real talent. I enjoyed that and I totally felt the emotions streaming through the words. I bet she cried, it conveyed some powerful emotions in a few paragraphs. Great job. You really captured the essence.
  3. hey thnx man. i really appreciate it.

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