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A Little Help Please?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Wendigo, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. A friend recently gave me this, but at the end of the night as he was headed out the door. I believe he said it was some sort of hash, but I would appreciate some help identifying what it is, and perhaps some guidance as to what I'm supposed to do with it.

    To give a scale, it's a bit smaller then a tylenol.


    Thanks in advance.
  2. looks like..

  3. If what's coming out of your backdoor looks like that, I think you might need some fibre.
  4. lol.

    break it in half and take a picture of the inside for us.

    throw a screen in a bowl, toss it in, and smoke it.
  5. Looks like hash to me, like ancient style.

  6. looks like a tootsie roll thats gone bad

  7. It looks gross, but it's supposedly very potent.
  8. does your friend have a pet rabbit?
  9. oh no doubt :smoke:
  10. Totally looks like poop.
    Break off a piece and stick it in a bowl. Roast it slow so you dont suck it through and it burns better.
  11. what does it smell like??

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