a little brain fart i had

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by asadmeow, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. i think computers are going to get so advanced that one day we will just flat out build a human being. :smoking:
  2. That'll be no problem at all.
  3. idk, artificial intelligence is probably more advanced than human beings, but like emotions and shit would be hard to simulate correctly...
  4. I want one of those Lucy-Lu sex robots from Futurama.

  5. so do i RM.

    you can't build a human being.

    you can build AI, but it will never even come close to the human mind.

    computers aren't impressionable.
  6. the argument is just that.
    you can make a robot simulate human properties. but will they adapt to human intel if given the chance? i say: yes.

    are we much different from what we define as computers. what do you think they are modeled after?
  7. It took us 50 years to build decent AI for computer games and robots and etc., so what will it be like in another 50 years?
  8. Thats not A.I., thats completely programmed to do what it does, it cannot think for itself. For something to be Artificial Intelligence it is basically a human without the body...kinda.

    Oh, btw. I am new here, been reading here for a while but never posted.
  9. i dont know, i know its hard to imagine a computer feeling emotions and making conscious decisions but who would have ever thought we'd have computers anyway? we cant even predict where technology will take us 100, 200, 300 years in the future (if the human race didnt kill themselves)

    in the future, if we ever built a human being... say out of stem cell tissue, but with a robot brain. would he have a soul? would he be conscious?

    who knows

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