a lil`bit help please !

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by LaurMD, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. #1 LaurMD, Jan 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2009
    i`ve been reading this forum for 15 hours allready... i got up from my bed to eat and pee ... and i have a question that i cant find the answer to , after the germination Germinatio Guide when the seeds are in the blue cups with foil over ... what i do with `em ... get them in the 18/6 veggie stage ??? ore let the seed rise like in the picture below and than put it under artificial light ... make me understand please :D

  2. FYI.. No picture.

    As for what to do next, you are going to want to read Grandpa's Grow Guide. It is another sticky in this section. Explains all the basics of how to grow.
  3. read the sticky, germination 420..

    u have to say more about what ur using

    eg, medium/lights
  4. i ave read grandpa`s guide and germination 420 ... and i donno what to do after i put the seed in a small cup with soil, put it under artifical light directly to veggie stage 18/6 or get it in dark place or what ??? that was my question :)
  5. Just to be sure your seed dosen't pop up in the dark you can put it under lights...just make sure the lights aren't to week, and the heat is right !
  6. Put it someplace warm, the dark isn't really a huge deal, since the seed is under the dirt anyway. If you put it under lights, make sure the dirt doesn't dry out. Keep the soil moist, but not soaked. Check it regularly, and as soon as it's out of the ground put it on 18/6.
  7. Ok ... thanks mate, that`s what i`ll do :smoking:
  8. It matters not whether seeds in soil are under lights or not, as long as the soil remains moist.
    But the sprouts must have light as soon as they appear. Good luck.

  9. Exactly. The lights do not matter until the water leaves show through the soil. Moist soil, but not wet, temps in the mid 70's, and humidity in the 40-50% range are what will germinate your seeds. Soaking them for 12-24 hours prior to placing them in the soil helps also. Light is not needed until the sprouts show through the soil.


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