----A black friend of mine of facebook posted something about the new movie "Django Unchained" claiming that she would refuse to watch it because they use words like "******" and she also claims that she is against "sensationalizing slavery". First quote is a friend of hers commenting to me after I tried to explain how she already is a slave to the US government. "Personal opinion: I do not feel that it is wise to compare/create an analogy between taxation and slavery. Besides the fact that by pure definition they are in no way synonymous, in actual context they are unrelated. The brutality and complete demoralizing of a human being is in no way/shape or form equivalent to taxation. Now if you are against the manner in which taxes are regulated then that is a fair opinion to have, being that we are all allowed to have opinions. However, Taxes are a arguably a fundamentally part of our society's system which facilitates the functioning of ours schools, property ,security, etc. Slavery, in contrast is in NO and i repeat NO way vital to our societal systems. I personally find it insulting to address African American historical context in such a belittling and condescending manner. As to even compare any form of slavery to that of taxes is disheartening. I find pride in associating myself with my "Black People", as you referred to it. Nonetheless I am an individual at best, however, lets not be mistaken, we as Black people are collectivized by out-groups more then were are by our in-group. So don't be fooled, our unity in no way deindividualize our thought, but rather strengthens us in times when we are faced with ignorance.Because of our historically context it is logically and almost innate that marginalized groups act in this manner. As I stated before this is my opinion and we all are welcomed to them. The only point of fact is remembering that they are opinions and that at best. I wish you a good day and this is all from a place of love. Anytime you would like to personally reason about the topic at hand i am more the welcoming of it." -----The above post was a much more civilized comment than what she was saying to me haha, but here's my response to this liberal nonsense. Tell me what you guys think. "Ken, thanks for your response. I completely disagree that there is no relation between taxes and slavery, in fact, my opinion is that you and I are nothing but tax-slaves. We are the cows on the farm, and the government is the farmer, so to speak. Now, you are completely entitled to your opinion, and I respect that you have one, and would never initiate the use of force against you in order to change it to conform to my own ideals. My question to you is: are you willing to use the initiation of force on me because I have a different opinion than you? For time's sake, I'll assume that you aren't some sort of sociopath and answer "no" for you. Now, I will use an example of this to more clearly demonstrate my point. My opinion is that I don't want to pay for undeclared, unconstitutional wars in the middle east. Is the government willing to use the initiation of force against me for not paying for these wars via taxation? The answer is yes, they will come to my own private property, pummel down the door if i do not answer, cuff me and lock me in a cage, or kill me if i resist. This is completely immoral, and would never happen under any other circumstances except for the government. In fact, my opinion, and the statistics back me up on this point, is that every single thing the government collects taxes for could be done more efficiently. That includes, public schooling, building of the roads, police, etc. I also believe that collectivizing people into groups is never something to be proud of. Unless in cases of civil unrest, such as a group of people VOLUNTARILY (unions have been and always will be unnecessary) coming together to protest working conditions at a factory, etc. collectivism only creates problems. What does something like "black pride" even mean? The fact that black people were oppressed for hundreds of years by immoral people is indeed a disheartening thought, but collectivizing yourself into a group only can bring other immoral people to be able to stand against such a group (KKK, for example). Racism is just a form of collectivism. The federal government is using the prior productivity of American citizens as an excuse to create deficits at the expense of the unborn. I didn't "vote" (even though no politician is liable to do what they actually said they will do, hell they don't even know who voted for them) for enormous deficit spending. That's not my debt. That's at the expense of the boomers that lived way beyond their means. This is another form of enslavement, and one of the most immoral of all; the enslavement of the unborn via deficit spending."