Many of you have never heard of Robert Randal, yet he is the reason that we have medical use legalized! He was the first FEDERAL MMJ patient in the "COMPASSIONATE INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG PROGRAM" which is the government's federally legal MMJ program that they don't like to talk about! Activist Preserves Legacy Of Husband Who Won Right To Medical Marijuana Grown By The Feds 45 Years Ago. (news – 2023) Forty-five years ago, a tenacious glaucoma patient named Robert Randall made history, becoming the first person in the U.S. under prohibition to secure a legal supply of cannabis that was grown, processed and delivered by the federal government itself. Now his widow, Alice O’Leary Randall, a lifelong reform advocate, is marking the anniversary by releasing a digitized “Factual Record” of the case, preserving the legacy of the marijuana pioneer and the work and sacrifices of early activists who helped build the foundation of the modest cannabis legalization movement. Randall had already achieved something extraordinary just two years before the settlement. After being charged with unlawful cannabis possession, he fought the case and convinced a superior court judge that his use of marijuana constituted a “medical necessity,” a common law defense that protected him from prosecution. Then 28 years old, Randall argued that cannabis offered a treatment for his glaucoma that could potentially preserve his sight that other federally approved pharmaceutical medications could not. The judge agreed that the situation met the standards of a legal necessity. The landmark 1976 ruling from the Superior Court of the District of Columbia gave advocates one of the first and most meaningful victories in the history of the federal government’s war on drugs, paving that path for future reforms that recognized the therapeutic benefits of cannabis and the importance of preserving civil liberties for patients who sought it out. (snipped) And for those who want to learn more about our government's MMJ program that Randal fought for- Chronic Cannabis Use in the Compassionate Investigational New Drug Program (full - 2002) And just FYI, the government grows nasty weed! It is so bad, even today, that one of the last survivors of the program QUIT because of the very poor quality of the government weed! “Finally, test subjects in their study of NIDA cannabis reported (pp. 66-67), “that the marijuana is inferior in sensory qualities (taste, harshness) than the marijuana that they smoke outside the laboratory. Some have stated that it was the worst marijuana they had ever sampled, or that it tasted ‘chemically treated.’”…… “A close inspection of the contents of NIDA-supplied cannabis cigarettes reveals them to be a crude mixture of leaf with abundant stem and seed components (Figures 5-6). The odor is green and herbal in character. The resultant smoke is thick, acrid, and pervasive.” And I even have a photo of the government schwag- This 1999 file photo shows cultivated marijuana from the University of Mississippi, which has a contract with the National Institute on Drug Abuse to supply marijuana for scientific and medical research. The quality has apparently not improved since then. (Robert Jordan, Associated Press file) Note the abundant seeds and stems. Can you imagine SMOKING that mess? You'd be laughed out of town if you tried to sell that sort of schwaggy weed! Granny
Very informative read, thank you. And yes, I grew better looking weed when I was a kid. I knew enough to clean it before I smoked it, too.
Speaking of kids growing their own, about 40 years ago when I was working at Olive Elementary in Vista, California, I was coming up to the corner of one of the buildings and heard a 5th grader (!) around the corner bragging that his pot plants were now taller than he was! I stopped, took a couple steps back, coughed loudly, and proceeded to walk around the corner like I never heard a thing! Kids that young should not be using cannabis, but neither should they have their lives ruined because of it! So I just chose to be "selectively deaf" that day. Granny
Looks like the crap I'd get in the 70's when I was a Teen. Most of the stuff came from Mexico unless some primo stuff like Columbian or Tai Stick was around. Along with buds you got stems and seeds. Record covers were great for cleaning your stash.