Fuck Monsanto! And why Bayer bought it anyway? 2.2 billion for an American with cancer! Bayer Jury’s $2.2 Billion Roundup Verdict Is Biggest Yet (2)
A regular gardener using roundup on his yard sued Bayer for his cancer. I'm in Canada and these numbers cannot be seen here. Thanks to the US civil laws that consider the value and fortune of a person or company to establish a punitive amount maybe their is hope Bayers have to discontinue the product. It is becoming a hot potato to play with or like sitting on a bomb I mean they have to pay 2 billion USD in punitive damage to one home grower this lawsuit will be jurisprudence for a lot of other cases and future cases.
Yea I mean I get what happened and that they have to pay money, but I dont see much of a difference between that situation and something like the so called 'opioid epidemic' and when that company had to pay billions for all of the damage their drugs caused, yet they are still causing damage to this day and nothing has changed. Idk just my observation. Im glad the dude gets some money but what does that say about the future, and everyone else that will potentially suffer and probably get nothing for it?
Interesting to compare both the oxycontin and roundup gotta say I hate pharmaceutical and here we have two good example of them! Today Purdue pharma is still in bankruptcy. A little too late as other company then mexican cartels took the flourishing business. Before Bayer bought Monsento I had better view of the company. In the end it's profit for share olders that matters. And these law suites won't make sales ramp up or boost the confidence in the brand.