a good tea to use.

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by moose71, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. hey folks. got 9 ladies in 17gal airpots in my greenhouse at wk 3. got them in pro mix w/ compost , azomite and kelp power amendments. they're growing well. what is a good tea formula to feed them when they're ready to be fed more? i usually use comfrey tea in my garden but would get pretty stinky in a greenhouse! thanks!
  2. You already got compost and kelp, why not make teas from those?

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  3. grow some Comfrey plants quick growing ,,big leaves that break down in to tea really fast ...plenty minerals and nutes i there ...mac,
  4. i thought about it . just thought maybe there was something better.
  5. got 6 comfrey plants so i have plenty that i use in the reg. garden. just would like to avid the stink in there. outside isn't too bad.
  6. Kelp has all the trace minerals you need plus natural growth hormones. Compost has the microbes. Maybe add an enzyme source such as malted barley or tea made from sprouts.

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  7. #7 moose71, Jun 15, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
    i found one from one of my books. 1.5lbs worm castings ,1oz. molasses. 1oz. liquid kelp. supposed to be good for tomatoes which are similar in needs as canabis. add a handful of rock dust to round it out? they don't say how much this makes tho.
  8. Rock dust is always good to give the microbes something to hang onto. Usually the recipes are for a gallon (128 oz.) , which the additives in your recipe are approx 26 oz.....sounds about right.

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  9. kelp neem and sprouted seed, although many have replaced SST with top dressing malted barely and watering it down.
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  10. I like Boogie Brew. They have a bunch of videos on youtube comparing using/not using BB in their regular garden. You can always save $$$ by making your own compost and worm castings, but if you don't have the time/space/patience, then BB is a good source.

    Welcome back, GYG’ers!

    Amazon.com: boogie brew
  11. I'm a Top dress guy personally. I like all the magic to happen in my soil. A lot of enzymes and amino acids are released. Top dresses also help fix nitrogen.
  12. what do you top dress with?
  13. where do you get malted barley?
  14. #14 MajorToker, Jun 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
    Obviously a monthly karanja/neem/kelp. I am still in my first cycle but I plan on top dressing compost and alfalfa to keep the worms trucking. 2500 mouths to feed and growing.

    I also use annual rye grass as a cover crop which I mulch in. I use clover with it. When the nitrogen creeps up the rye grass takes over. When nitrogen gets low the clover takes over!
  15. Any home brew shop, look for the lightest malt they have (pilsner or pale ale are good choices).
    Also make sure you get unmilled, you want to grind it up fresh right before use.
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  16. lol you can pick up an old school hand cast iron flour mill i got off amazon for $25. i use it to grind up my biochar also. you can set it to different coarse #s.
  17. thanks for the tips! gonna try several things on different plants and see how it goes.;)
  18. I use a store bought blend and supplement with brewed worm castings and peruvian bat guano, with a tbs. blackstrap per 4L. plants absolutely thrive. I never grew mj last year but a daisy plant got monstrous. It had so many big blooms throughout, the branching started needing support
  19. wound up going with 1c worm castings, 1/2c liquid kelp, 1/3 c molasses ,a tbs myco 1/4c azomite rock dust brewing in 5 gal. well water. how much should i dose of this at each watering and how should i store it until used? i read to use it within 4 hrs after brewing? not very economical.
  20. That's because you're brewing a living, breathing microbial soup. Without constant aeration, the microbes will use up all the available oxygen in the tea and start to die off. You want them to be alive when they're added to the soil.

    Myco's are best added during transplant. They're pretty much useless brewed in a tea, as they require direct contact with plant roots in order to germinate.
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