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A good noob beginner tip

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by grass man420, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. for anyone that doesn't already know,before you take a bong toke if you exhale all the air in your lungs it means you can take a bigger hit. i never knew until someone told me so i figured i would pass it on:D
  2. lol thanks.... I was told once if your standing you can take a bigger hit then if you were sitting. Dunno how true this is.
  3. it might, does your diaphragm expand more when standing?
  4. I think it does…
  5. yeah i thought so too, so standing would let you take a bigger hit, its probably not worth standing up though. if your smoking good weed you probably wouldn't feel a difference between standing or sitting
  6. yea standing you can take bigger hits, when my brother first told me how to pull a bong (2nd time smoking, first time with bong) that was the part he stressed the most, exhale before. It was a wonderful night oh yes it was.
  7. The best noob tip is to get scale.
  8. Ya if you wanna take a huge rip exhale first, which is common sense, yet lots of beginners dont even think about it. IMO its not even worth it, I hate the feeling of exhaling completely before my bong hit, I feel like im suffocating lol I would much rather be comfortable when I blaze. But there are always those times when ya just wanna go for it lol so ill do it once in a while
  9. [quote name='"BuRnTrEeS247"']The best noob tip is to get scale.[/quote]

    This here is very true, scale will keep you from getting ripped off week after week. Just until you start to get an eye for how much weed your actually Payin for
  10. [quote name='"BuRnTrEeS247"']The best noob tip is to get scale.[/quote]

    ^ the truth
  11. I stand when I take hits that are bigger than my bong is capable of ripping. I also take a couple deep breathes before hand to stretch the muscles and get them ready to take a huge fuckin rip. I also exhale even more air out my nose when I am taking the rip, right before the smoke comes up to my mouth.

    Easy way of really increasing your lung capacity as opposed to sitting and just hitting the bong normally. Good posture sitting would also help too, since it's about allowing your lungs and diaphram to expand as fully as they can, so they need the most room in your torso, sitting hunched over closes down this space.

    Protip for noobs: Never front money.
  12. i feel like that too a bit. i'll exhale all the air in my lungs then just before i light the bowl i enhale a bit of o2 , then start smoking it, but the amount of o2 ill breath in isn't much.
  13. also, if you take a shit before you smoke, you can increase the blood flow to your cerebral receptors, potentially getting you, as they say, "high as fuck."

  14. Lol you can hold your breath for atleast a minute I hope, it doesn't really matter how much air's in your lungs.
  15. I do the same thing with my bowl, even thought its just a high quality hand pipe. Wish I had a bong...
  16. my first time using a bong I was already WRECKED. Idk how I already knew how to use a bong since i've never even see one besides pictures and didnt know nything about it at the time. I coulnd't even function enough to get my video camera on my ipod working xD. I did do the above tip first try too and didnt even notice

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