A God we can all (hopefully) agree with

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by 1Trismegistus1, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. It seems the error of many folks is believing that God is a man outside of this Universe who controls and knows everything within it. This is a silly childish interpretation of God that the yet to be unfolded finite mind will come up with before it is able to grasp the true greatness that is God. Atheists say this Universe happened by chance, Creationists say a wizard did it.

    So ladies and gentlemen, I am going to try to explain how an Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient God can and does exist.

    First off, there are three manifestations or rather emanations of God, in substance/matter, force/energy, and intelligence/mind. This does not include what the bible refers to as the "Holy Spirit" as this is God unmanifest, and we are trying to touch upon things the finite minded man can understand in this lesson. The rays of the Sun are of the Sun, but not the Sun itself

    God is also the highest cause, or the causeless cause. Now, in this finite manifestation of the Universe, nothing can happen without something causing it, and effects become causes. This brings up the question of "If God made the universe, then who made God?". God is eternal, and I'm going to try to illustrate how.

    You have to either admit that their is a first cause with nothing that put it into action without a catalyst, which doesn't make sense to the scientific thinker because it works outside of the law of physics, or you need to accept that there was no first cause and cause and effect have gone on for eternity.

    Also you can't comprehend eternity with a finite mind, but you also can't comprehend absolute nothingness because it doesn't exist. Even the empty space is something, things can move through it.

    Onto omnipotent. Most people are rather mistaken on the real meaning of this word. It means all-powerful, containing all power. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so the Infinite All of the Universe that is God indeed does contain all force, all power.

    Omnipresence. This word means all-present. Most people mistake the meaning of this word as God is spying on them or something because he's everywhere, but it literally means being everything everywhere. As we all know, there is energy vibrating at a certain rate so that it manifests into physical matter. All the matter that exists exists within this Universe, your made of it, your computers made of it, everything. Gods manifestation is everything, so therfor He is everywhere. As I said matter is an emanation of God, yet it is not God Himself.

    Omniscient. This word means all-knowing or all-wise. There is intelligence in every cell and molecule to varying degrees no matter how simple it may be. When you build these cells up into extremely complex structures they become the noticeable intelligence that is life. If the buildup of complex cellular structures is what causes complex intelligence, and these cells are all within one area that is the All, then indeed God is omniscient, being the largest most complex cellular structure that is in existence. Nothing is truly touching anything due to electromagnetic repelling, and when you scale a molecular structure on our world to the Infinite Universe, the millions of miles between planets and stars become microscopic and are nearly touching.

    As I've said there is varying levels of intelligence in everything, various levels of consciousness though not in the way we have it, we have self consciousness, we know that we know, but nothing is ever truly dead as energy can never be destroyed, and cells know to break apart and go on their way to make up other forms. This universe is an inconceivable super consciousness, or else everything in it would not exist, it would be dead. Quantum Physicists are looking for the cause of the big bang in the possibility of 2 membranes colliding to create a new one, but this does not answer the question of where the membranes/multiverses came from, it only deepens the question making it unanswerable because we cannot go outside of our multiverse just yet.

    Whether you believe God is a personal or impersonal isn't important and it is not my intention to persuade you into any belief, but hopefully you can see how there is an Intelligence that is omnipotent omnipresent and omniscient in the Universe itself, and just as you are aware of every conscious thought and care what your thoughts are, theres a good chance the super intelligence that is the Universe is aware you are in it as well. Whether there are multiverses or not, I'm talking about the UNIverse, the Infinite space that contains all of it. The universe can have no end to it, for if it has walls like a sphere, that sphere is still inside of something. We do not create new intelligence, our minds merely unfold to be able to take it in.

    Who knows might have just been a ramble, maybe someone understands though.
  2. #2 junkyarddog, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
    Wow i was just smoking and thinking about the same shit. Here's kinda what i thought about.

    Does the universe have to be finite?
    Can a creator exist if it exists in non-existence? or is it more probable that everything has always existed?

    There are laws of nature and laws of physics that allow us to exist but do they necessarily create us?
    Did something create them? or Have these laws and forces of nature lasted forever?
  3. This is only further proof that people will pull whatever they want from the bible and that it has no objective meaning anymore. If you believe god is eternal, you can just as easily say the constituents of the universe were as well.
  4. good reading stuff..

    Inside of the bands; between the bands and the One in the center is the uni, which is spinning around outside of the center yet inside as the bands...

    the space...is laid between the bands and the center, with the universe spinning in the space around the center, within the bands...
    with the light catching itself, wreathing itself, ...like a snake wrapping around a pole...

    ...multiverses in the universe...??...or the same Word repeating itself in revolutions?
  5. #5 1Trismegistus1, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010

    What you have to understand, is as people evolve spiritually, their conception of God does as well. The savage believes his God is just a higher version of himself, that He loves the sacrifice of his enemies, who are coincidentally the savages enemy. As people evolve, their God becomes more Loving, more civilized. Yet the Absolute never changes, but as people unfold their conception of this God becomes higher and higher as well.

    Believe it or not even atheists are still in awe and nearly worshipping God in one of his manifestations, whether it be through nature, art, music, etc. The "God part of the brain" compells them to worship manifestations of the God they deny, yet they would never dream of this being the case. Atheism is actually the later part of Stage 2, right before you begin to bud as a flower into Stage 3, whether it occurs in this lifetime or some future time.

    People today are reading a book from 6000 years ago, I'd say we've come alot farther than that. Even the God of the Old and New Testament differ, in that the New Testament God is much more loving and civilized, less savage.

    I think your misunderstanding what God is exactly still. God is not a man, God is not male nor female, God consists of everything, both good and evil. God is the intelligence that makes this infinite Universe, and cannot be comprehended truly by the finite mind of Man, so peoples conception of God is merely man at his best in the current time. There are people who claim God is all loving and forgiving, because they themselves see this as themselves at the best they can be. There are people at the time who also believe God will punish those who aren't like them, because they themselves would punish their enemies if they had such power.

    The more spiritually unfolded man does not see these people as ignorant or less than himself, just as you don't see a child as ignorant, for the child is doing exactly what he should be at his current level of development. Spiritual masters such as buddha or Jesus did not discriminate against any person, knowing the underlying greatness that is equal in everyone, and that the soul is not the person but merely what is needed for the man to learn his lessons to grow. Life is ever evolving, down to the rocks that change slowly over years and years. You cannot imagine not existing, because you have always and will always exist. At a certain point in your unfoldment you will no longer be so uncertain about the mysteries, and will be able to recall the past lives and deaths. I do not try to argue with those who do not believe it, because they just haven't budded in spirit yet, but they will in time, everyone goes through the same steps, and the stairway to heaven has no top, only going on into Infinity to higher and higher levels of spiritual evolution, the higher ones being inconceivable in greatness to mans current stage.
  6. yes consciousness evolves with'us. one day 'we' will kno whats going on
  7. so why even try to explain this God if we will never understand him?

    is that not what you are doing then? Creating a God to fit the world we live in using the knowledge you have accumulated?

    we evolved spiritually and change the purpose of god. We have evil in this world, so god has become the judge of our actions. he fills our void of needs. we want eternal life, so god gives it to us. we want free will, so god gave it to us. God is the ultimate unknown and the most fluctuating idea out there. He is the part of the universe that is never constant.
  8. #8 ete23, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
    right. god just is

    i believe god is in us all we just have to unlock
    if you can rely on one thing its god, god is always there the brightest light
    can you see it,, its you.. you are god, your life on earth one life and then beyond

    if god is the creator then we are all his children
  9. I don't agree at all. Everything you point out can be explained in other, much simpler ways without positing anything needlessly.
  10. i believe there is a big difference between god is and god is in.

    but that is just my opinion
  11. #11 1Trismegistus1, May 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2010

    People try to explain God because of the 2nd stage in spiritual evolution, though it is a useless effort. The only way God can be comprehended is how He works in Nature. You can see this explanation in physics, biology, geometry, quantum mechanics, all sorts of sciences. It is our attempt to understand how the All works, though we will never know why it is that way, who God is, where He is because He is everywhere and Infinite, what God truly is other than his manifestations.

    The All is constant in His Laws that we are able to understand, and you will find that physics/quantum mechanics span across more than just the physical plane of manifestation into the mental/astral as well as the spiritual, though as of right now mankind as a whole is not yet able to understand what Spirit is though we will come to this stage of evolution and planes still higher. There are some who are able to comprehend the spirit, but it cannot be explained to those who have not yet come to this understanding. How do you exlain color to the blind, or the taste of chocolate to someone whose never tasted anything sweet?

    To the man who said he doesn't agree and that theres a much simpler way of explaining, would you care to elaborate on your opinion please? I'm interested in your point of view on the subject matter, as The All is not a simple thing, the Universe in it's manifestation of matter alone is complex to the point that it could fill a library book case with volumes if it were explained thoroughly.

    edit: we are not God. This is a very arrogant opinion. We are a mere drop from the Divine Ocean, an emanation of God, but not God Himself. Just as the rays you feel are of the Sun, they are not the Sun itself. God is everywhere in everything. Most religious people of today are Stage 2 in unfoldment, the Stage where they begin to feel God has commandments and things He does and does not want them to do, which really is only what they take as their personal morals, a higher standard of themselves. There is no good or evil, yet as good is a higher polarity than evil, and God is the highest polarity or vibration that everything may manifest from by dropping into corporeal vibrations, God is an incomprehensible Good, yet God is all things.

    God is the All, which means he can not be persuaded through prayer. People pray for things to happen as if God was not aware of them yet still believing he is omniscient. God has had sacrifices made unto Him as though he can be pleased. Yet if God was able to be added to (influenced) or angered (taken away from) then He would not be The All and would not be the omnipotent/present/scient being that the true Infinite Eternal All is.

    Idolatry is thought of as a sin, yet wood, stone, everything that an idol can be made from, is a part of God, so making an idol of God is not possible as everything is indeed a peice of God, so that God technically is an idol in everything you look at.

    This is just an example of how people have been mistaken in what God wants, as we cannot know this, and the priests merely take what they feel and claim it to be the word of God, because the word of a mere mortal will not be taken serious.
  12. #12 ete23, May 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2010
    how so if im referring to all of creation is ,is only a idiom
    a connect of language
  13. touche, touche...

    bear with me here,

    so do you mean anyone who is not a believer?

    why do you look at God saying he is so complex? You can never truly know god, all you are making is hypotheses to what god is. You can not convince someone what god is when you don't even know what he is. You can say you know god, but the fact is, you don't. We could be a video game for all you know, and you could disagree but we don't know. Sorry for the rant, okay so why can't you look at god just ask an eternal unknown? that's almost too simple but i like the idea of it. There is no explaining god because you truly can't.
  14. #14 1Trismegistus1, May 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2010
    red- no, not at all. There are many believers who cannot comprehend it, i'd say around 90% of the human race cannot comprehend it, because they've never experienced anything truly spiritual. If you've ever done hallucinogens you know that feeling of unity or some revelation that you can't put into words properly, because words describe physical or mental things. But even this is only the tiniest ray of the Light of Spirit. As we evolve we gain more and more of that Light, like first putting a fingertip out from the shade, then the hand, then the arm, etc. Symbols have always been used to portray spiritual meanings, and many people misinterpret these symbols.

    I am elaborating on HOW God can be the all powerful being he is portrayed as, not what he is. God is the Infinite Ether, but as we cannot fathom Infinity, He is unknowable. Your right you can't explain God, but you can explain how Nature works, Nature being a mere manifestation of God, yet God is not manifest. "God is unmanifest, yet most manifest".

    I'm just trying to give an idea of HOW God can be certain things, and not really what God is. The idea that God is the Infinite Eternal All that contains the Universe/multiverses is extremely simple and basic, and in no way even touches upon what God may truly be, it is just a simple observation of logic that there can never have been absolute nothing, so that there was never a beginning, and will be no end other than to the beginning/end of the material uni/multiverse we reside in.

    There are certain things you can comprehend of God, of how. But completely comprehending God is not possible, as you would have to go outside of the All to see the whole, which will never happen as the All is infinite having no outside.

    edit: The All = God
  15. I'm an atheist, and after wasting my time reading that I can conclude that you basically destroyed any cause to believe in a god (implying that one exist). The thing that got me really mad was this
    It makes me mad because I can't comprehend it lol, like it is impossible to understand/imagine that with any intelligence. Really, how can something go on forever, what if it goes on to a point in a void, and the void is full of wormholes and puts you somewhere in a different universe, but then if you did in fact go into that void and through a wormhole, you reached the end of the universe which was enclosed by something.

    Mind = blown.
  16. Well even if there were endless wormholes on edge of the universe, it would still imply some 3d shape, and that shape would have to be inside of something. If you can't move through it it's solid, meaning a solid is there. If you can move through it it would be the vacuum of space, which is still something. sweet drawing ay? You can't comprehend Infinity though you can understand it, but the idea of absolute nothingness isn't even fathomable.

    Attached Files:

  17. You know what else is unfathomable? The amount of rep you deserve for making this thread.

    Fantastic read, although I was rapidly approaching this level of understanding, you just gave me some spiritual steroids. Great post tri, you know your shit and shall not be shaken. You have the potential to become one of the great spiritual leaders you talked about, I'm glad to see you're not squandering your incredible gift of understanding.
  18. #18 ete23, May 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2010
    1000 degrees- lil wayne, he verbalizes the all is one,one is all theory
    for the world - lil wayne
    love me or hate me-lil wayne

    by the way lil wayne doesnt write any songs down he preaches almost
  19. what is nature when there is no self conscious beings to collapse the wave functions?

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