A game I thought of.

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by KittyKatToker, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. This might be kind of stupid, but my brain really wants to post it.
    I thought of a game to play with marijuana. I call it Suicide, but name suggestions welcome.
    How to play:
    Have at least two people. Sit at a table like a dining room table. Each person has a different strain. Get out the smoking device of your choice, and put a little of each strain into it. Then take a hit, and pass it. Finish the bowl. Take out a notebook, and write down what each person says they feel. Whatever reaction they have. Then next time you smoke, do different strains, and record the information. Find a combo of the types you like.

  2. So your game is to.... Smoke weed?

  3. I like that game...the one you named lol

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  4. Nope. I do that online at leafly.

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