A few quick questions.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by xBONGHIT420x, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. So I just transplanted my three plants into larger containers. I currently have a 150w HPS in my "ghetto" grow box I made lol. The measurements are as follows:
    21" width
    60" height
    27" length

    First question,
    I know it's a "bad" idea to plant more than one plant in a pot, BUT it's all I could manage with the pots I have and the space. So should I worry about their growth? The pot I used can be found right here.

    Second question,
    I'm considering purchasing a new bulb for my grow and was looking into this [ame="http://www.amazon.com/LU400-Watt-Pressure-Sodium-Plusrite/dp/B003YO2DIQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1296858286&sr=8-2"]400w HPS bulb[/ame]. It seems extremely cheap so I'm wondering. Would it be worth purchasing and would it be suitable for my box?

    Here is my current standing on the plants, yes I know I burned them a little with Miracle Grow :(

    Attached Files:

  2. since you planted those two in one pot there roots will get tangled and will be worthless plants so get one out and buy a new pot for it. and you 400 watt hps bulb you want to buy wont work with you 150 watt. you need a 400 watt system to run a 400 watt bulb
  3. Everyone says to not put 2 in the same pot. I never actually looked into why because it seemed so unanimous. But I would assume the reasoning behind it would be the same as why people pull weed's from their vegetable/flower garden, because weed's kill other plants.

    As for the light, the bulb may be cheap, but you need to make sure you have a fixture that will support it.
  4. Damn I didn't know you needed a specific lighting fixture to run certain bulbs, glad you guys cleared that up for me before I bought it. Anyways, you're saying that my two plants in the same pot are both going to die because of root tangling..? I don't understanding how that works considering how outdoor plants can grow side by side as well as this man's huge grow, he's using a dirt bed which is pretty similar to planting in the same pot

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