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a few questions and comments.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by biorobotics, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. i've been smoking multiple times a day, every day, for about a month. i'm currently visiting my hometown/staying with my parents for two weeks, and obviously didn't bring any of my stash or tools (traveling via airplane, didn't want to risk it). i have friends here who said they could hook me up, so that's cool.

    anyway, i smoked way way way too much the night before i left, and felt pretty shitty the next day (especially on the plane). i figured it was like a hangover and it would go away once i took a break. it's been two days, and i'm still feeling like... it's hard to explain. it's like i'm going to throw up, but not from my stomach, it's all in my head, like there's all this pressure pushing on my skull and squeezing my brain out through my ears/mouth/throat. i thought it was from smoking too much, but now could it be because i haven't smoked in two days? i didn't think withdrawl from weed was possible, and if it is, it wouldn't cause symptoms like these after just two days. :confused:

    also, i told my mother about my weed usage, and not only was she pretty okay with it, but she may want to try it with me sometime. is this creepy or cool?
  2. having your mom/parents wanting to blaze with you is ill man, good family bonding no lie.

    Not a withdrawl, maybe your sleep schedule is messed or something else you are overlooking and blaming mary jane for.

  3. i blame her for nothing:cool:
    this hangover-feeling is kind of a common thing for me, but it's never been this constant before, so i was just seeing if anyone else ever felt like this. there's a load of possible causes, i suppose, and smoking could be one of them, along with dehydration, sleep, food, activity, whatever.
  4. i've gotten the headache sort of thing you're talking about, it was the day after a huge night of smoking, and that day was also the first of a week tbreak, it sucked for probably 2 days but it was all good after that.

    as far as smoking with your mom, if you're down then do it haha, but i wouldn't. kinda weird

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