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A few questions about growing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PotForYourSoul, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. 1. If you find something like ditchweed, and you take it, and start to care for it yourself (correct temperatures, water it, as much sunlight as possible) help make the ditchweed stronger?

    2. If you smoke the bud before it's fully matured, is it still as affective? Or is there less THC in it then?

    3. What kind of place is ideal for growing ditch weed. Not a good hiding spot necessarilly, but, what kinda of soil? Hills or on flatland?

    Sorry, I'm knew to growing, and caring. Thankyou for your help.
  2. 2. Yes if you smoke it when its premature there will be loss of some THC that could have been.
  3. go to growers section of the forums, you will get responses and great advice
  4. Alright, thankyou.

    Both of you. ;]

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