A few of my pieces

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by MrWiggles91, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. #1 MrWiggles91, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    The first one I just bought at the South Metro Hideaway. Simply gorgeous with an awesome marble

    Second one I got at Sherloks Parlour in Dinky town. Simple but looks good. My personal piece.

    The third I got at the Dinky town Hideaway on 4/20 last year. This is my favorite bowl :D

    The last one I got about 3 years ago at Clown Glass in St. Cloud. VERY thick and rips beautifully. Named Poppa Chester :)

    That's just a brief glimpse at my collection. My personal favorites. What do ya guys think?





  2. The first pic is my favorite, but theyre all pretty legit.
    Pictures are way big though.
  3. Workin on making them smaller :D
  4. Rep for Hideaway I love that place!! Have you looked at Mr nice guy in st cloud too pretty legit
  5. Picture are a much better size now,
    damn that first piece is so tight...i would almost trade for the pipe in my avatar.

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