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A few newb questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sinacra, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I tried using the search function but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for so here they are.

    Rather than make a new threads for these questions I figured I would include them with my intro and get a few birds with one stone.

    Would it be rude to bring a scale while your buying your bud and ask the dealer to weigh it for you?

    When smoking a bubbler (or anything for that matter) is it better to inhale directly from or suck it like a straw to get the smoke in your mouth, and inhale after you pull the piece away form your mouth.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Bringing a scale is always a good idea. No hookup worth keeping will bitch about it because if s/he's being honest, it's no problem. It's pretty dumb NOT to bring a scale, especially when you're buying 1/8oz or more.
  3. I wouldn't recommend weighing it out in front of the dealer, it usually shows that you don't trust him, which the dealer obviously won't like. I would just weigh it after you got in, not infront oh him. If it is short, don't go to him anymore, or if he is your only connect, you should just tell him hey man, you were short so and so amount last time, this time could I get the exact amount or whatever. If he is a good dealer, he will give you the right amount, if not more the next time.
  4. Bringing a scale is cool. Just make sure you tell the dealer you're going to bring one and you want to weigh what you're buying. If he objects, then there is obviously a problem.

    And about the bubbler: there really isn't a set "way" to smoke out of it. Just do what gets you highest and stick with it. Form your own way of toking.

    I hope this helps a little. Happy toking, bro. :smoking:
  5. Thanks for the responses.

    Does anybody else have any insight on my bubbler question?
  6. Yeah, let ya dealer know beforehand that you want to scale his buddha. You can ask him to use the scale for you, too, that's cool. But this only applies if you're copping an eighter or more. Under that and they'll just get pissed and tell you to gtfo.

    With the bubbler,

    Directly Inhaling

    -Quicker, so everyone can enjoy the smoke.
    -More smoke, and thus
    -More High
    -If you're not an experienced toker, you're going to cough a lot from breathing in directly.
    -Coughing makes you lose smoke obviously and kills your high, so your hits will be for naught.

    Through Mouth

    -Takes longer, allowing you to enjoy the experience.
    -Less smoke, and thus
    -More absorbable. You'll be taking lots of smaller hits and they will get more THC absorbed than a large hit of smoke (% wise in comparison to volume of smoke inhaled) so you're getting more high for less lung damage.
    -Your friends might be pissed that you hit it like five times whereas they only take one hit, and the common "But it was a small hit!" might not fly if your friends are really bugging for some weed.

    I just inhale directly.

    -Leaf :smoking:
  7. Thanks, that is just what I wanted to know. :)

    I think I am going to try the "through mouth" method tonight since I am smoking alone.
  8. I don't think there is a "better" way of inhaling, it's just personal preference. I like to control how much I take in, so I always hold the smoke in my mouth for a few seconds first, maybe exhale some of it if I took too big of a hit, and then I take in some air in while inhaling the rest. Inhaling all of it directly usu ally makes me cough like hell. But that's just me. If you're new to smoking, I'd probably just try different ways and see what works best.

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