A Family Tradition

Discussion in 'General' started by cowboysaxman, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Currently growing with my two sons 26 and 19:D All legally:smoke:

    Only about 12 yrs from growing with one of my grandsons:hello:
    3rd generation Herb Superb:smoke:
  2. I wish I fuckin knew how to grow :laughing: :eek:
  3. ALL ya need to know is in the grow forums right here:D

  4. I know that, but it just seems like a lot of stuff to take in...

    I am going to do a closet grow i think

    but I know nothing about lights, soil , male and female lol all that...

    It's cool you and ya sons can share it, I just wish I could know like I said, it seems real hard...to me lol
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyDie_4dOdU]YouTube - Family Tradition[/ame]

    Reminded me of one of my favorite songs.

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