A Different Perspective on Life

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Rhythm of Life, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. This may not be as deep as the threads of many other members but it was something I just thought about. There are two methods of looking at life in my perspective that are easily achievable, though naked eyes and the eyes of a camera. When I say the eyes of a camera I mean being able to stand back from a situation as if you were never there and focus on the subject in the 3rd person. I enjoy being able to think of life this way. Just the ability to stand back and not put yourself into the environment your in but stand back and be the observer. Maybe this has been spoken of before but I just found it. I must say its rather satisfying to do.
  2. naked eye = sober. camera = stoned.
  3. Not necessarily. Its just a different form of thinking. Many artists already have this capability. Its thinking outside the box. Putting things into a different point of view. Very possible sober. As you can control your high you can control your perspective on your vision. Its more of seeing the bigger picture I think. Many people just see themselves walking on a trail in the woods while a more gifted person can visualize how the woods are affecting their walk. They see a valley for more than just a valley. I'm not sure how to explain this but once you've done it you will know. I am only beginning to understand the possibilities.

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