A deal with the Devil

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by FatDutchie, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. It wasn't happening, until I made the deal. Then it happened and it is and will continue like the deal was.

    Now what?
  2. :bongin:  Tell us more
  3. I made a deal with the devil once, he bet he could play the fiddle better than me, proved him wrong
  4. he's gonna chop your dick and balls off as sacrificial instruments in exchange for what you want.
  5. Well I just threw up in my mouth!  :D
  6. Nah the devils not real, I've tried to sell my soul for worldly desires on several occasions. Save the time and the finger prick lol. Satan isn't real, either is God.
  7. #7 xpixiex, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2013
    It's no secret that I've made a few deals with big daddy satan in my lifetime.
    The most notorious of all is the time that we agreed on my selling my soul back in '82. The deal was that as long as I lived to 100 years of age and that I have the ability to conjure up gold bars whenever I need them, he would be the owner of my soul. Unfortunately, being the prankster that he is, the whiley bastard decided to trick me by only allowing me to obtain the gold bars by pissing them out. Needless to say It does not feel good at all.
    If you're planning on striking a deal with this snake in the grass, be sure to make any and all agreements clear, else you may end up being swindled.
  8. You are beginning to remind me of an old user: OrganicFlowers. Wonder what ever happened to him...
    Did you run into the devil and he loaned you 20 bills?  Don't worry, I got your back.  "A friend of Devil is a friend of mine."
  10. :hide:
    You got that right, the devil isn't real but human beings without conscience are, and guess what the stuff they do is pretty real.  The "Devil" is said to be an evil entity yet we have never seen the devil do anything.  What we have seen throughout humanity's bloody history are humans engaging in unspeakable brutality and cruelty.  Imho, the Devil has a lot of work to do to catch up to us.
  12. Yeah I don't have a very good conscience but there has been some seriously crazy shit that happened in history. It happens though, evil is as much a part of life as good. One of the many joys of living a life on the planet earth with the rest of these fuckers. Devil vs Humans we're up for sure though all Satan did was question Jesus was Gods son then tell him he should feed himself when he was starving in the desert (supposedly).

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