A Day for everything!!

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by cowboysaxman, Jun 1, 2002.

  1. +------------------ Reasons To Celebrate ------------------+
    JUNE IS...

    June is... Cancer In The Sun Month

    June is... National Accordion Awareness Month

    June is... National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

    June is... Fight The Filthy Fly Month

    June 1 is... Dare Day

    June 3 is... Repeat Day

    June 3 is... Repeat Day

    June 5 is... Festival Of Popular Delusions Day

    June 8 is... Name Your Poison Day

    June 10 is... National Yo-Yo Day

    June 13 is... Kitchen Klutzes of America Day

    June 15 is... Smile Power Day

    June 16 is... National Hollerin' Contest Day

    June 18 is... International Panic Day

    June 19 is... World Sauntering Day

    June 21 is... Cuckoo Warning Day

    June 26 is... National Chocolate Pudding Day

    June 28 is... Paul Bunyan Day

    June 30 is... Meteor Day

    I'm looking forward to the 8th, and the 26th!! lol :D :smoking: OK maybe the 5th too!!!

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