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A crockpot fell into my possession

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by scrubbicus, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. I'm looking to make some butter. I haven't trimmed all my bud yet but I have about 6 ounces of untrimmed pot and I'm wondering if anyone can help me with the amount of ingredient and maybe an estimate on how much trim I might get.

    Also with all that aside how do I go about making butter? I'm pretty excited I haven't had enough excess low quality to get into cooking.
  2. any edible should be made with high quality bud. even cannabutter. i made a batch of brownies with cannabutter made from low quality(reggie) weed and its just a regular reggie high, just lasts a bit longer.

    i say you should get some mid-dank nug befor you start.
  3. You can make it with the trimmings. Depending upon your quality will depend upon how much butter you would use. You have six ounces of trim or six ounces all together so maybe about an ounce in trim?
  4. My ratio I use is a quarter oz of nugs for every stick of butter. Might wanna increase it a bit if you're just using trim tho

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