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A couple questions !

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hitdablunt04, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hey people! Just gotta few questions... Just picked up 4 grams of some high mid.... pre grinded for me... So does anyone have a pic of what some dank weed looks like grinded up in a zip? and my other question was has anyone vaped using a lightbulb, bottle cap, and a pen? If so any tips, comments, sugestions? Any help is appreciated!:hello:

  2. I can't answer either question....but why don't you just smoke the weed and see how high you get. You can tell the quality pretty easily that way

  3. yah on one of the nugs that didnt get completely broken down, there is visible red hairs and its very strong smelling.. so compared to what i had before its pretty good.. but the sack is kinda seedy so im pissed about that lol
  4. I dont suggest getting pre ground weed. I believe it doesnt store as well this way.
  5. I don't have any pictures of 4 grams of pre-grinded weed.

    I wouldn't recommend buying pre-ground weed unless you intend to smoke it the same night.

    I wouldn't recommend buying it at all, basically, unless you really know and trust the person. You can easily be shorted a bowl or two that way (possibly more in your case since you don't have a scale)

    Just break it up yourself or buy a grinder.
  6. I've tried the homemade vape method with the light bulb and it works fine, you just gotta construct it properly. Clean it out with salt also that will break down the chemical residue thats inside the light bulb, then rinse it with water after using the salt.
  7. sounds like you got burned:confused_2:

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