Hey guys, I've been checking out the forums here for 3 - 4 months now, and am finally starting my first grow. it's been painful reading about some of your killer setups, and even worse seeing pics of juicy lookin bud. Anyways i've just got a couple questions before i germinate the few bag-seeds i have: 1. I have 1.5 gallon pots, will i need bigger ones? 2. I'm going away for reading week, and am wondering if i should get a trusted friend to come water my plants or if any of you have ever tried using an aqua-globe? (https://www.buyaquaglobes.tv/flare/next?rtag=buyaquaglobes&) Other than that i think i have most of my info covered. - Cheers, Ben.
For the pot size it depends on how big you want your girls.. remember a foot for a gallon.. You want a one foot plant you get a gallon pot.. 5 foot plant five gallon bucket.. It also depends on how big you want your grow.. I've never used the aqua globes, but I wouldn't trust a friend.. With weed you want to keep everything as hush, hush as possible.. I'd probably try the aqua globe before bringing in an outside person, but thats just me..
Thanks for the tip samson i had never heard that rule before, looks like i'll need bigger pots before the end. I tend to be a trusting person, and knowing myself i'll want to talk about growing with everybody i see hahah. but i'll take your advice on this one and go with the aquaglobes and keep everything on the down-low... i've already been robbed once this year and i don't want another buzzkill. Thanks again, i'm sure i'll be back in a week or so with some more questions and maybe even a pic or two. Take care, Ben.