A couple facts that will disarm almost any attack on marijuana users

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by candiman, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. I often find that marijuana users are tragically ignorant. They don't know how to defend themselves and their lifestyle from critics. In order to achieve legalization, I believe cannabis users MUST be enlightened about a few simple facts. Most of you will already know these, but if you put them together it makes a solid defense:

    1. Marijuana is the only "drug that has no possible toxic dose.

    A toxic dose of marijuana is estimated to be about a pound consumed in a period of five minutes:eek:

    2. Marijuana is very mildly addictive.

    Especially relative to other legal substances like tobacco and alcohol, marijuana is not very addictive. I've gathered from my research that only heavy users get any kind of significant withdrawal, and even then, it's very mild. Most of the addiction to marijuana is psychological. You get addicted to the ritual so to speak.

    3. Any negative effects of marijuana are completely erradicated simply by abstaining.

    One could consume absurd quantities of marijuana for months or even years then stop for a while, and all of the so called "long term" effects would disappear in weeks with a healthy diet and exercise.

    4. Marijuana can be consumed completely "non-carcinogenically"

    What I mean to say is that one can either vaporize or eat pure THC from cannabis buds, eliminating up to 99% of harmful toxins.

    Take these facts and arm yourselves with them if you haven't already. Do your own research and you'll find that these are consistent with good sources.

    Thanks for reading!
  2. Very good points, there. You could even say that they aren't long term side effects since they don't outlast the period of usage.
  3. true. and if you were to consume very high doses of other drugs for a very long period of time, you'd probably suffer from an acute case of death
  4. excellent points, another point is that more people die from caffeine than marijuana
  5. Irony, indeed. :smoke:

    The estimated LD50 is closer to 1500 pounds in 15 minutes, or thereabouts. (There's a bit of rounding there, but the numbers look good too!)

    There's some more information, under Toxicity in this link: Linkage

    You can get some good starter material at NORML's website, too, complete with links to various sources, etc.

    It definitely is important to be armed with the facts - just take five minutes to double-check any that you come across. :)

  6. Lol more people die from water toxicity

    Also number of deaths per year from alcohol poisoning. Over 100000

    Total deaths in all of known history from marijuana.0
  7. #7 Arteezy, Jun 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2010
    I like all your points. I think you could make them a bit clearer with some work though:

    1) It's impossible to overdose on cannabis.
    2) Cannabis, when compared to other drugs, is mildly addictive.
    3) The negative effects of cannabis use are temporary.
    4) Cannabis can be consumed with little to no detriment to one's health when consumed via the healthiest methods (vaporization, oral consumption).

    Also, I've heard different figures on the estimated amount needed to consume to overdose, so I implore you to check your source (or others) to confirm.

  8. lol death tends to be be that way
  9. 'Cept for Jesus

  10. On an unrelated note, any experienced growers reading should take a look at my grow journal and give me some feedback . Much appreciat;)ed
  11. This is a fact I use quite often. When someone tells me that marijuana is dangerous or some shit I also say

    "Okay you drink 18 beers, and I'll smoke 18 joints and we'll see who's closer to death"

    Bit dramatic, but it gets my point across. Also I say Tylenol is a drug, you use that everyday. My mom said "yes but it's safe" that's when I pulled a Kat Williams and said "marijuana is safer than tylenol - take 15 of those and it'll be your last headache." Even the Union hasn't proved to my mom it's safe. I sent her tons of articles and whatnot.

    So all those facts you listed don't work on everybody. Sad really that in 2010 people still believe 1930s shit.
  12. Great point. Even a relatively small amount of tylenol can absolutely scorch a liver to ruins. When opiate-based painkiller addicts get into trouble with their livers, it's not necessarily because of the hydrocodone or whatever they've been taking in -- it's the added acetaminophen in those pills!

    I watched my little brother go through caffeine withdrawals, once. He had a four-Rockstar (a huge energy drink) a day habit. He was in pure misery. He said every waking moment he felt exhausted, utterly and completely. His muscles ached, his eyes were bloodshot -- he was in real pain. Caffeine isn't even regulated, but it's easily more addictive and dependence-forming than cannabis. It's just so readily available that most people that are really, hopelessly dependent on it never realize it. They can get a fix any time they want one, and it just becomes part of their life.

    Drugs are inescapably part of our world, now. If they were all laid out on a scale of 0 to 10 in terms of danger, addictiveness, and toxicity, cannabis would be so much closer to the bottom than many of the things that the grocery store can sell without so much as a peep out of the D.E.A.!
  13. This chart pretty much says it all

    Attached Files:

  14. The hypocritces have no problem with alcohol/tobacco but bash you for marajuna use. This is disgusting and a disgrace to human intelligence. It has to end sometime.
  15. humans have been using the herb since prehistory unharassed...something tells me it has to revert back to the old ways

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