A conspiracy

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by AresKenux, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 AresKenux, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    I'm feelin this at the moment.
  2. whoa man that's so negative! thats not true at all.

  3. Sometimes, losing all hope, is freedom.
  4. try living in a third world country i have visited third world totalitarian police states where no one has any rights .....just some food for thoughts i get depressed from time to time and feel like things are hopeless so i hear ya , i guess the point i am trying to get at its just a feeling you have its not reality try and cheer up , think about what you do have going for you
  5. Well most of what your post says is true. Things are out to get you. But, It's not like a conspiracy. It's just life.

    Everything has to die one day. Nothing wants to die. Everything has to feed. So therefore, life is like a giant competition.

    The good thing about civilization is that we work together and make this competition seem less... ferocious

    If there wasn't crap out there that kills us, and other living things, then imagine how crowded this planet would be. We would be walking on top of each others faces.
  6. I definitely dont think you can speak for every living thing and claim it doesnt want to die lol

    and thats the whole point in mentality and perception of the world

    you can have a simple outlook or you can complicate it

  7. I'm sorry, but I still feel this very much...
  8. So your TRILLIONS of cells that make up your body and all it's wonderful functions are conspiring against themselves?

  9. ass to mouth eh?
  10. ummm, it means, at the moment...
  11. ohh i thought you were feelen that atm....ooppss
  12. lolol *E-highfive*
  13. yeah life fucking sucks, oh well deal with or off yourself is my only conclusion
  14. No, that's depression.

    There is hope out there bro, maybe it's not hitting you in the face at the moment, but it's a great part of life.

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