A chicken and an egg

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by AndyPL, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. A chicken and an egg are in bed, making sweet love. Suddenly the chicken rolls over, stretches his arms and lights up a cigarette with a satisfied smile. The egg angrily pulls the covers towards her and snaps "Well I guess that answers that question".
  2. i don't get it..
  3. LMAO!!!!!! That's funny! Thanks for sharing! :D
  4. + rep for that lovely peice of funny.
  5. haha

    + rep
  6. it took me a lil while, but i get it now:D
  7. haha i get it

    hint: it deals with what "comes" before the other
  8. That gave me a chuckle!

    ~ Terpsichore
  9. that was great
  10. damn im slow i dont get it

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