Heres a cartoon that I made in my animation class. Please watch it and tell me what you think.
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Here are some other cartoons I made if anyone's interested.
That was pretty damn funny Aconites, great job with the voices and the other effects. What program did you use? You've got some skill, + rep.
Just saw the other ones on NewGrounds some weird, but still good cartooning and its pretty funny. Reminds me of the crudness of ren and stimpy, The one cartoon was kind of weird, this guy named Pete is naked through out the cartoon has no candy for Halloween so uses his shit for candy, and gives it to this lil kid and actually enjoys it. Another is this guy looks like his wacking off or something then pulls out a cheese grader and then another one about easter saying fuck that and shows some girls dressed like the playboy bunnies, weird stuff, but I have to say the latest one you showed was probaly the best one.
Haha. That was really funny, the whale was the best character. He reminds of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.