What if you went to a developing country and gained a political political reputation that would land you into a positive where you make marijuana completely legal. I would have it growing in huge feilds and warehouses where it would be hella cheap and enjoyed by all citizens. My life would be complete lmao
Yea, there is a reason it's illegal everywhere. Not because it's bad, but because hemp would put alot of rich people out of business. If someone tried to legalize it, they would probably be killed.
If it was completely legal, im sure everyone would be growing lol... It would definetly be hard to make money selling. But yes, id be growing it everywhere. I would have pot plants all over my back yard, and i would be growing them like natural ordinary plants in my house lol, and i would have different set ups running dro, aero, bubble ect.
I would have public areas full of huge outdoor plants that would be 24hr maintained just for their beauty