A/c, Vents, And Cfm Question.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by realshotgun, Jun 29, 2014.

  1.      Hello there.  This is my first post here at Grasscity.  I have attempted to search, and am sure that there is an answer out there already, but can't figure out the appropriate wording for my search.  To the point, If you have an in-line fan and ventilation to replace the air in your room once a minute, what purpose is an air conditioner?

       Take for instance I have a garage separated into two rooms.  One is my grow, and the other is a "vent room".  I pull air from the second room, through the grow room lights (4x1k HPS, connected in 2 rows of 2.), and out of a chimney vent.  If I need roughly 1900 CFM to replace the air, and I have that amount of forced flow out, is my air conditioner able to have any effect, and if so, what are the dynamics behind it.  It seems to me that if the air conditioner is meant to blow cool air, yet you are sucking that air out once a minute, that regardless of the power of the AC, you will never have a period that it will not run.  Thanks in advance to anyone answering.

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