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a Bublong?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JohnLajoie, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Ok so i bought this piece yesterday and it looks like a bubbler but it has a slide like a bong and its kind of large bigger than the usual bubbler. Have you guys ever came across this. I cant get pics up at this second
  2. yeah, a GonG bubbler
  3. yea its a good bubbler, the slide is much better than a carb. lets see some pics :D
  4. I'll try and put pics if i can find my camera
  5. Does it look anything like this?

  6. I've only hit one before but I like them a lottt more. Plus, it allows you to have a variation of bowls on it depending on how much you want to smoke. I'm looking to buy one soon actually.
  7. Is there any efficiency difference between GonG Bubblers and glass Bongs?
  8. Not necessarily. I mean bongs tend to get ridiculous with ice chambers, percolators, etc, but I myself will always prefer a fat bowl pack in the bubbler. I dunno why I've always liked em more.
  9. I mean a good RooR and all the attachments cost you a pretty penny and the efficiency isnt that different
  10. i want one now, how well does it cool compare to regular bongs?
  11. Well, there is a difference if only a slight one. Granted, both can get you good and toasty, a RooR or any other high-end glass will do a more efficient job of doing so, plus the glass is generally thicker.

    Plus smoking can become somewhat of a hobby to stoners, collecting pieces can actually be a lot of fun.
  12. How can you say yours is bigger than that one when there's no reference?
    That bong could be as small as a penny or as big as the statue of liberty

  13. Dude you tell how big that bubbler and you dont have to be a dumbass you can get a general idea of its size so stop being a smartass chill out

    It does a really good job i love it i would suggest investing in one
  14. Weight: 136 gr., Height: 7.50″ (bubbler I posted)
  15. You don't need an outside source for reference. Compare the overall bubbler to the size of the bowl, for example. Either that is a massive bowl or the piece isn't very big. Bowls are pretty standard in size so it actually gives you a profound idea of what you're looking at.

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